Chapter 5

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Effie's point of view

I awake at 5 am. I know I could sleep longer but I am just too used to waking up at this time in the Capitol. I know this is a big day for everyone and Annie and her son are coming to visit. This also means it will be harder for me to keep Zoe a secret.

I last saw Annie and Fin in the Capitol when everyone came for the anual interviews. Fin was barely 2 months old then but he was allready starting to look like his father. That makes Zoe older than Fin. It seems so weird that Annie has a son. I remember her during her games. She was so scared but Finnick managed to keep her happy. I just hope that she is all right now. I know how hard it is trying to raise a child by yourself.

After I get dressed into a ruffled blouse and pale blue jeans I check on Zoe. Lucky for me she is a deep sleeper. I make sure she is all right and head downstairs.

As I reach the bottom step I see a blur of blonde coming from the living room. Instinctively I knew it would be Peeta. I knock on the door and enter. Sitting in his blue pinstripe pyjamas is Peeta, munching on a pear. He welcomes me in and tells me that I can just help myself to any food or drink which I may want. I thank him and sit down to his left in one of the armchairs.

Peeta's point of view

I welcome Effie in to the living room and tell her she is welcome to anything she may want to eat or drink in the house. I don't quite know what to say to her after last night. I have accepted it but it is still a bit of a shock. I finish eating my pear and check the time. 5:45. Katniss won't be up till at least 7. That's when Effie starts talking.

"Peeta, should I tell the others about Zoe?"

I have to think for a moment "I think you should do what you think is right. It was a big step for you just to tell me and Katniss. Let alone almost all of the people we know."

"Do you think they will get annoyed with me though? For hiding it?"

This makes me chuckle a bit. I know it was wrong but I couldn't help it. "Effie, if you can tell Katniss and she doesn't get annoyed with you for hiding it. You do not have to worry about any of the others. Katniss is probably the most stubborn of them all. Except maybe Haymich. That one will be difficult Expecially due to the... circumstances."

Effie seems to cheer up at this remark. It makes me feel a bit better about it all. "I have an idea if you do not feel like telling anyone yet. Me and Katniss have this friend, Sae who we could ask to look after Zoe for the day if you want. We do not have to tell her whose child it is, we can say it's just a friends, but she would be more than happy to. That way you can see everyone and not worry about her"

Effie seems to like this idea and she spends a bit of time thinking. By the time she next speaks it's 6:30 and Katniss will be up soon.

"Yeah Peeta, do you think we could do that? I just need to speak to Haymich first.  It's just he has the right to know and I would rather not keep it from him any longer."

It surprises me that she comes out with this. Haymich would probably be the last person I would have told but I guess she's right he does need to know.

"Yeah that's fine." I say "He will probably be up by now it'll you wanted to go before Annie and Fin arrive. Katniss will be up soon if you need anyone a bit more feminine to talk to after it all. I hope it goes well. If it doesn't tell me and I might have to sort him out." Ad I say the last but I click my knuckles. This makes Effie burst in to laughter and I know everything is going to be ok.

"I'm going to pop over there now. Can you keep an eye of Zoe for me please.  She shouldn't wake up just yet but it might be different here."

I agree as she walks out the room.

Effie's point of view

After talking to Peeta I decided I am finally strong enough to pluck up the courage to go to talk to Haymich. As I leave the Mellark house hold I look around for Haymich's I know he doesn't live far away and I spot his house just 2 doors down. The walk feels like eternity but it lasts no more than a minuite. I try to compose myself standing on his doorstep and I try to decide whether to knock or ring the doorbell. I decide to knock.

I'm swaying back and forth when the door opens. It opens barely 5 cm before I hear "who is it?" And see and eye through the slit in the door. When he sees it's me he opens it wide to revel him wearing long John's and a sweat stained vest. He no longer smells like alcohol but there is still an empty bottle or two inside. He invited me in and I timidly follow him to the dining room.

The dining room looks like it's rarely been used as dust cakes the service China in the China cabinet but the rest of the rooms looks clean. I take my seat in one of the chairs as he sits opposite.

"So for what do I owe this pleasure dearest Effie?"

"I was just visiting 12 and though I would stop by. Is that ok?" I believe he is pleased to see me as he had not tried to insult me yet.

"I know enjoy seeing me up its the crack of dawn so I have either done something or there is a national emergency. I know it is not the second option as we are sitting here having a cheerful conversation. So what do you want Sweetheart?" I gulp down and can fell myself getting nervous. " Do you remember what happened before Katniss and Peeta went back in to the arena Haymich?"

"What bit?" He replied, a smug look on his face "The bit just after they won their first or the night before they was destined to die a second time?"

"The visit I made to 12 just before the announcement of what would happen in the quater quell. The thing that happened between you and me."

"Oh Effie. You know that was nothing serious. We can make it serious if you want but that was nothing."

"That's actually the problem Haymich. For me it wasn't 'nothing' that night changed my life" I let out a sigh of relief. At least he is finally going to know.

"Well sweetheart, I knew I was good but that good? Really? A life changer, I like that title." He says whilst laughing. Suddenly his tone get all serious "nothing happened did it?"

"That's the thing Haymich.....Ibecamepregnantandnkwyouareafather" I manage to get out in one quick breath. The only problem is he didn't her and starts laughing at me

"If you are going to say something sweetheart I actually have to be able to understand you"

I gulp and manage to say "Haymich l, I became pregnant and I though you ought to know that you have a child. A little girl by the name of Zoe - Marie Trinket." All he does is stare in to space. I take that as my cue to leave. 

Haymich's point of view

Effie came around earlier. I though she just wanted a nice, friendly conversation. Little did I know that she would change my life forever.

She has just finished telling me that I'm a father. Me, the blubbering drunk who no one would take seriously. Given the responsibility of parent hood. It's only when I realised I've gone silent that I look up to see that Effie has gone. I try to stand up but I am still in shock from the announcement.  The next moment I get I am going to have to talk to Effie again.  That's when I realise she is crying the other side of my door


Do you finally get a long chapter ☺Thanks everyone for over 100 views allready. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the new chaper and I will try to update ASAP. 

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