Chapter 25

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Peeta's point of view

Annie and I just decided to stop and get coffee. We reach a quaint little shop which is styled in the design of the 2120's. It surprises me it still looks like this. Snow senior banned everything from the dark days so this must actually be a new shop.

As I open the door I hear a bell ring and a waitress comes over and shows us to our table. I order a cup of black coffee and Annie goes for a cappuccino. For Zoe we get a bottle of fizzy orange, we don't have to worry about Fin as he has fallen asleep in his buggy.

As the waitress comes back with our drinks and a bag of apple slices for Zoe. As I thank the waitress for our drinks I see something flashing in the corner of the room. At first I ignore it thinking it is just a glimmer of the sun. That's when I feel something nudge my foot and I notice Annie indicating to the light. I give her a confused look and she mouths two words to me

"TV camera"

I hastily put some money on the table and lift Zoe in to my arms. Annie ensures Fin is secured in to his buggy and we hurry out the coffee shop.

We make it through one street before we are interrupted. My phone starts to ring. It Katniss and she's crying.

We all agree to meet back at the building so Annie and I cut our trip short. No one's home when we get back so I take both the kids to put them down whilst she goes to get us something to eat.

When I return, a loaf of district 12's sea salt bread is on the dinning room table and Annie is seated at the head of the table, waiting for Kaniss and Haymich to return.

Haymich's point of view

We're standing on the roof of the hospital waiting for the hovercraft to turn up. We planned to get a cab back to the hotel but after the news story about Peeta and Annie and their 'secret relationship' in which they were getting coffee, Katniss and I thought it would be best to remain unseen.

When we board the hovercraft Katniss disappears  to one of the side rooms and doesn't return till we are touching down. She smells faintly of booze but it was bound to happen sooner or later. Someone this young shouldn't have had to go through all this.

We walk in to find everyone sat in the living room. Even Joanna and Gale have bothered to turn up. Katniss and I take a seat and proceed to tell them about Effie's situation. 

"So she doesn't remember anything?" Joanna asks, showing a surprising amount of concern.

"She knows details.  Memories from before a certain time. She seems to remember up to the train journey before the 74th games but after that she has no recolition. That means she may possibly recognise Joanna and Annie" I state pointing to them "but she doesn't remember the games themselves so I highly doubt she knows Gale if Fin." I let out a sigh. I look towards Katniss and her face is buried in Peeta's shoulder and Annie is staring blankly in to space.

"But Haymich" I hear Gale speaking now "Does that mean she knows nothing about Zoe?"


Short update and filler chapter. Hope you enjoy :D

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