Chapter 14

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Effie's point of view

I'm standing there shocked. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Haymich proposing. Expecially not this soon. It's about two minutes before I realise that I am crying and the look on Haymich's face is one of embarrassment, that's not a look I've seen on him before.

Before I know it I run crashing in to him.

"Oh Haymich, Yes, of course I will marry you. I am delighted to have the chance to become Mrs Haymich Abernathy. "

I see relief flood his face and a single tear escape his eye. I place my hands on his stubbly cheeks and place a single kiss on his lips.  I quickly go over to Zoe and remove her from her buggy. Haymich comes over to me and slips the ring on to my ring finger.

He places his arm across the small of my back and rests his hand on my waist, bringing my in to a side hug. He then leads me in to the living room.

I push the door open to see a heart made of more pansy petals on the floor of the living room and I let out a small gasp of surprise.

" you like it sweetheart?" Haymich asks

"Oh Haymich nothing could have been better. I never knew you could be so romantic."

"Just wait and see"

He takes Zoe from my arms and takes her up to bed. She has been asleep for a while now but I didn't want to leave Haymich alone after what he just did.

I stay standing in the middle of the room waiting for him to return. When I hear the door Creek open I look over to see Haymich running towards me. Before I know it he is holding me in his arms bridal style and carries me out the front door.

"Haymich, this is sweet and everything but what about Zoe you just left her." I get out as he is closing the front door.

"Sweetheart do you really think I would forget about her? Katniss us looking after her and Peeta's going to join her after the bakery closes."

"Katniss was in there?" I blurt out before I realised what I was saying.

"Well we needed someone to take pictures if the wonderful moment so we can always remember it"

At this point I start giggling and start to wonder where Haymich is taking me. He stops under a tree just before the main entrance to the woods. He places me on my feet and pulls a white cloth from his pocket.

"May I ask if you to turn around please sweetheart?" He asks in such a quite voice.

I turn around and feel the silken cloth get tied around my eyes. I am no longer able to see anything but I feel Haymich pick me up again and he starts to walk away.

I hear the sound of a door opening and feel a burst of heat coming at me. Once again I am placed back on my feet and I am standing akwadly not know what surrounds me. Haymich kisses the back of my neck and removes the blindfold from my eyes. It takes them a couple of seconds to adjust to the light, but when I can finally see properly I have a faint sense of recognision on the place.

I am standing in the middle of a living room. The carpet is mahogany brown and the walls a dark blood red. Normally I would say that the colours do not go together but they work surprisingly well. There is a plush red couch set against one of the walls and upon the opposite wall is a flat screen television. The only other thing in room is a black end table. On the top of the table rests a pink frilly envelope. From here I can make out my name written in book,  black letter. I turn to ask Haymich if it is ok if I open it but as I turn he is no longer there.

I walk towards the envelope and my hands start to shake. It's only when I pick it up that I truly notice the standard of the ring. The band of it is Gold and in the center of it is a pink diamond in the shape of a heart. The stone is relatively small but I know he must have though long and hard about it as he knows I no longer like all the gems of gems of the Capitol.  Of the inside of the ring is an engraving so I quickly remove it and take a look inside. It reads

                                       'My Sweetheart'

A couple of tears escape my eyes as I slip the ring back on my finger.

I slip my finger under the flap of the envelope and it rips open. Inside is another slip of paper like from before.

'You may have though it was over, but I'm afraid you were wrong.
       For you it may have been short, but for me it has been long.
This is the last clue which you will receive, so I hope you will believe
         You will come to the place in which I made a wrong'

I had no idea that Haymich could write such beautiful words but thus clue really has me stumped. People think Haymich has done so much wrong but I know how hard he has to try to make things right. He had been alone to long with the nightmares of his past but nowadays it is like he has finally emerges from his shell and become the person he was all along.

One incident comes to mind but I hope I am wrong. I don't consider it a wrong but I know a lot of people did. I leave the house and realise it is Katniss' old house. No wonder it looked so familiar. I button up my coat and am on my way.


Yay update time! I would have uploaded it sooner but my Internet connection has been appaling. hoped you liked this chapter and are not getting fed up of the cliffhangers. Have a good day all my amazing readers. I really appreciate you :D

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