Chapter 20

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Effie's point of view

They left the train a couple of hours ago and I don't quite know what to do with myself. I haven't talked too much with the others so I find myself playing with Zoe. I can't believe how big she's starting to get, it seems like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant with her. I was so scared, now I couldn't imagine my life being any different.

That night I go to get food from the dining cart. I would normally eat at the table but it doesn't feel the same without Haymich by my side. Instead I grab a couple of plates of food and bring them back to my room. I eat my dinner whilst watching Zoe playing with her toys. She says she doesn't want her dinner yet but I can tell she is missing her father, she is such a daddy's girl.

I awake to the sound of knocking at my door. I look in the mirror and try to fix my hair. Even though I don't really follow the capitols fashion any more I still have to look presentable.  When I open the door I see that it's Gale standing there. What does he want at this time of night? I open the door fully and invite him in, hoping Zoe doesn't get woken up.

I sit down on the edge of my bed and Gale joins me.

"What can I do for you Gale?" I ask

"Miss Trinket" He says politely  " Do you think it would be better for me to go back to 12 and avoid the Capitol all together?"

As I look at him I can see just how broken he is. You see he's just like Haymich. Everyone thinks they are strong but sometimes they just need someone to listen to them.

"What makes you say that? Everyone is delighted  you are here with us"

"I just don't want to make things awkward because we have to hide everything from the Capitol."

I don't know why but I give him a hug. "Gale, everyone is delighted you are here. Joanna loves the fact that you agreed to come with her. She is so much happier when you are around. It's not too much hassle for any of us. After what we've all had to do this is nothing. "

I hear him let out a sigh of relief and he starts to walk out. "Thank you Miss Trinket. I really appreciate our conversation."

"You are more than welcome Gale. Also, you can call me Effie. "

"Well thanks again Effie" and he walks out.

Before I know it, it's time for breakfast.  I get Zoe changed in to a purple dress with lace details. It's a very Capitol styled dress but I need to try and keep up with the Capitol fashion when I'm here as people still judge me and I don't want to have to put Zoe through all the torment she may receive. 

We eat a very basic breakfast of peanut butter on toast, Zoe has jam, and I go to get what I need ready. The majority of our luggage will be taken to our hotel for us, but I might need some stuff for the journey.

When the train pulls up I give Zoe to Sae. There are no visible reporter here but it doesn't mean they aren't hiding. This station is surrounded by bushes as it is the perfect place for them to hide.

Ceaser sent a limo for us as none of us wanted to be separated. It's quite a long journey to the hotel so we all relax on the way. Gale still has the pack of cards from the train so we just end up playing with them, it helps to pass the time.

Haymich's point of view

Effie should be here soon. I haven't had anyway to contact her the last day and I feel so lonely. I know it's a bit pathetic but I've never been in love like this before.

I find myself pacing the lobby of the hotel waiting for her and Zoe to turn up. I hear a car pull up and look hopefully towards the window.  It's not them. It's just their luggage. At least it means they should be here soon.

I get fed up of pacing the lobby so I decide to go and sit with Peeta and Katniss. I am tapping my fingers on the table when someone walks in. I see that it's Joanna and she looks frantic. 

"TV. .turn on... TV now!"

I grab the remote and turn it on. We all just sit there open mouthed.

A reporter starts to talk " I am here at the scene of an accident involving two cars and a limousine. We don't know much at the moment but we have heard that the limo contained some people special to the capitol"

I happen to look around to see everyone crying. I feel myself tearing up and look back to screen. I have to find out if they are ok.

"We can't tell you much more at the moment but there has been two confirmed fatalities. "

Fatalities, now I really let everything go

"The other people involved in the accident have been taken to hospital where they remain until further notice. Updates will be shown throughout the day."

I only stop watching because someone turned it off. I look over to see Peeta. At least Katniss is here, not in some unknown place where she might not be alive.

I stand up and walk to the fridge. Form it I pull a bottle of liquor. I haven't drunk since Effie arrived in 12, but there's no time like the present. That's when Katniss knocks the bottle out of my and drags me towards the door.

"Come on guys" She says through her sobs "I think we have somewhere to be."


So what do you think? I probably won't be able to update for a while as I have mock exams next week and I haven't even started revising yet. So to make up I though I would give you an exciting chapter with a killer cliffhanger. Sorry if it's mean. Who do you think is ok and who not? I really want to know what you think. Hope you don't hate me after this chapter. Happy reading

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