Chapter 3

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Katniss point of view

Peeta said we needed to try and keep Haymich motivated now as Annie was deciding the visit.  It tended to bring back bad memories for him. So, as a way to keep him busy I decided to invite him round for dinner. Most would ask if I was crazy or if I  felt guilty. But really. I enjoyed having him round for company. See, even though I have Peeta, Haymich know just what to say to me to keep me motivated. He truly has been a good father figure to me since I was reaped for my first games.

Earlier Peeta dropped off a package at Haymich's he said it was wrongly delivered to ours but really it's something we put together for him. We filled it with things he has been know to enjoy. From expensive breads and cakes to bottles of liquor ( non alcoholic of cource)

After dinner was finished Haymich went on his way whilst Peeta and I sat down to watch some television. Just as the TV was turned on I hear the phone ringing. Peeta gets up to answer it.

Peeta's point of view

The phone started ringing and I told Katniss I would go answer it. I picked up the receiver.

"Hi is this the Mellark residents?" Asked a nervous voice

"Yes you have reached the Mellark residents, Peeta speaking"

"Peeta! So pleased I managed to reach you.... its Effie. I have a bit if a situation can I come and visit you and Katniss?"

"Effie are you all right? " I manage to blurt out. "It's been years since we last talked. We've been trying to get a hold of you but it's quite difficult"

"Yeah, about that. I will explain it all when I see you and Katniss. So can I come?"

I quickly shout to Katniss to say that Effie's on the phone and wants to visit. This makes Katniss jump with joy.

"Yeah sure Effie. We would be more than happy to have you round."

"That's a relief" She cries "I'm at the station of district twelve."


So,  short chapter and cliffhanger ending. Effie has finally turned up. Hope you enjoyed reading so far. Next update should be soon.

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