Chapter 18

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Katniss' point of view

If we thought this was going to be an easy trip we were mistaken. It all started off so well. Caesar managed to get us a private train in order to respect our rule about privacy. There are too many cabins as they obviously don't know about everyone's situations but it doesn't matter as it means we have extra rooms if they are needed.

Annie and Fin occupied the compartment next to mine and Peeta's, I'm actually quite pleased as I feel like my flashbacks may become more prominent in the Capitol.  That's what happened last time. Sae has the biggest compartment as she is doing is all a massive favour and we all appreciate it. One of the compartments is being used as a makeshift nursery. It allows us to keep and eye on the kids but means we did not have to be with them constantly. Haymich and Effie occupied the compartment next door.

Gale and Joanna both seemed really nervous on the journey and were hardly seen. I can understand Joanna  being scared but I don't know why Gale is. I also though he was brave.

When we first got on the train me and Peeta just went to our compartment and laid in each others arms on the bed. This is starting to happen more often. Sometimes we just stay laying together like this. Other times we have a bit of fun. I am really starting to see how our relationship has developed since the first games. I can't believe I used to be so off with him. My boy with the bread.

Just as Peeta was brushing a stray strand of hair from my eyes I started to hear a noise coming from the outside of the compartment door. I got up to see what the problem was to find Zoe slamming her fist on the door. I pick her up and call Peeta over. Zoe started to repeat "nee nee" over and ove again.  It took me a couple of seconds to realise what she was trying to say. I grabbed Peeta's hand and headed next door.

Before I attempted to go speak to Annie I handed Zoe over to Peeta and told him to find Effie. I knock on Annie's door and get no response. I try calling for her but it's the same. I believe Fin is in the nursery so I decide my best chance is to try and force my way in. I press my shoulder against door and, using all my bodyweight, try to push the door open. By the feel of it the door is locked from the inside.

Using all my force I give the door a kick.  Even if Annie was just asleep the noise would have woken her up.  I kick again with a harder force and I see the door shudder. Peeta comes running up beside me as I inform him about the situation.  I see panic shoot across his face as he decided the give the door a kick. The wood around the handle starts to splinter and I can see it will only take one more kick to break it. I slam the heel of my boot in to the door and it swings open.

A sense of both relief and fear start to set in. On one hand Annie is there in her room. On the other hand se is curled up in a ball in the middle of floor, repeating the same sentences over and over again.  'The Lizard mutts are coming. Roses are in the air. If only he knew I was pregnant'

She is having one of her moments and it looks like she is going to struggle coming out of it. She is reliving the moment she got told about Finnick.  It must be really hard for her but we have to think about Fin primarily.

I leave Peeta with Annie and run to find Haymich. I know he must be with Effie somewhere otherwise Zoe would not be in the nursery. I head towards their compartment as I can't think of anywhere else the can be. I knock on their door and step inside.

Haymich and Effie sit next to each other on the floor. Haymich is resting his head on Effie's shoulder and her hand is on his thigh. When they see me standing there Haymich stand up and I tell him what's wrong. He apologizes to Effie and comes with me. I just hope he can do for Annie what he can do for me.

Half an hour later Annie had calmed down a bit. She is still not entirely back to herself but she is sitting up in her bed. I sit with my arm across her shoulder and try to get her back to normal.  The main problem is I think this is the worst she has ever been.

For the next couple of hours someone stays with Annie at all times. She's not exactly getting better but she's not deteriorating either. Me and Peeta decide it's best if Fin doesn't see Annie in this state therefore Peeta and myself alternate who stays with Annie and who stays with Fin.

After I gave Fin to Peeta for my first time with Annie I start to feel guilty. I know what she's going through and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I take Annie's hand and walk her in to mine and Peeta's room. He took Fin to the buffet cart so I don't have to worry being interrupted by Peeta.

I sit her on the bed and close the door. I hope that a different environment will help. I slip my hand in to the pocket of the jacket hanging on the handle of the dresser. My hand runs over the foil packaging and I close my fist around it. It gets transferred to my back pocket. I don't want to use it if I don't have to.

------Time Lapse------

Peeta's point of view

It's evening now and things aren't much different.  Dinner proved to be a shambles but at least it didn't last long. I just went to speak to the train driver and he told me we are currently at the outskirts of 9. It's still going to be a couple of days till we are in the Capitol because we wanted a more relaxed journey. 

After Katniss puts Annie to bed me and her headed to ours. It's nice finally being able to get some time alone with her after the day we have had. Fin is currently in our rooms. Peeta moved in cot so he could spend the night with us, but he is fast asleep. Me and Katniss get changed in to our night ware and we sit together on the end of the bed and just hug each other.  It's something we don't do often enough. I place her on her feet and twirl her around. She starts to giggle  and I lean her back in to my arms. I give her a peck on her forehead and we climb in to bed.

Katniss falls asleep almost instantly but I am struggling. I slowly inch my way out of the bed and start pacing my way down the halls. I don't quite know where I'm heading at first but then I get an idea. I head towards the train car with all the empty compartments and pull open the first one I see.  I close the door behind me and start to sob. I don't know why I started to cry but it just sort of happened. When I finally managed to toughen myself up I head towards the luggage compartment and pick up the couple of bags containing my art supplies.

One I get everything set up I start to paint. I have no idea where it's going but I carry on with it. When I've finished I look at the time. I've been painting all night. I take a step back and admire my work.  It's a meadow with me and Katniss standing holding hands. It not just us though, in between us stands a child.

I end up falling asleep in the compartment, completely covered in paint and laying on the floor. I awake to see Kaniss standing in the doorway.

"Peeta, there you are. I've been so worried looking for you. What's have you been up to?"

I walk over to her and place my hands o'er her eyes. I moved the painting before I went to sleep so I didn't knock it over. I'm quite pleased I did that now as it means I can surprise her. I walk her to round the corner in the room and stand her in front on the painting. I remove my fingers from eyes one at a time and finally when she can see properly again she shocks me.

"I think it's time Peeta. I think we should start a family."

I stand that shocked. It takes me a bit of time to comprehend what she's saying and when I finally realise what she has said I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my hips, pressing her forehead to mine as she does so.

"But first we should get this journey out of the way."


Guys I have over a thousand reads! You have no idea how happy this makes me. I started this story thinking I would be lucky to get a hundred reads but a thousand! I thank all my readers for this. Sorry this chapter is a bit pants but I wanted a filler chapter with a bit of drama so this is what you got. Hope everyone is enjoying my story. Happy reading :D

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