Chapter 35

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Effie's point of view

As I pull aside the curtains of the bedroom and open the window, the smell of the air hits me. It's the smell I've come to associate with home. A smile spreads across my face as I feel the familar arms of Haymich wrap around my waist.

"Morning Sweetheart." He says as he places his chin on my shoulder. "We get Zoe back today. Can't believe it's been a whole week since you became my wife."

"And I'm already regretting it." I laugh as I turn and place a kiss upon Haymich's lips.

"Hey that hurt my feeling Sweetheart." Haymich wines as he finally let's go of me. Making a pouting face as he does so. "So what time do we get Zoe back? It feels like I haven't seen her in forever."

"Katniss said she'll drop her off later after she gets back from the bakery. It will some time after twelve."

"So enough time for me to treat you to a home cooked breakfast."

"You know, I think my schedule will permit that." I say as we head downstairs to the kitchen, to see what kind of concoction Haymich will come up with today.

After a surprisingly enjoyable breakfast of toasted hash brown, bacon sandwiches I head towards the study to do a bit of reading. I don't read much but whilst cleaning the other day I found a book about life before the dark days. Therefore I made it my mission to read the entire thing, no matter how long it will take me. I'm currently at a bit about something called the Victorian Era. The living conditions don't seem too different from what Snow was putting everyone through. The only different is this was taking place is somewhere called England a couple of thousand years ago.

"Effie!" Haymich calls from somewhere upstairs. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" I shout back to him, placing the book on the table beside me.

Katniss' point of view

As Zoe and I start to make our way back to victors village from the bakery we make a detour so I can pass by my old home. Peeta and I decided to get it rebuilt so I could have some memory of before, just like he got the bakery. Peeta help me to recreate the floor plan so the house could be the same as it used to. Just like I remember. The building work of it should start soon but we told the builders to prioritise the other houses as there is still a list of people waiting to move back in to 12.

As we reach the outside of the burnt down house it looks identical to the day district 13 let me return, with the exception of the sign outside which states the land has been purchased.

"Auntie Kat Kat." Zoe speaks "May I eat?" She says pointing towards the paper bag containing a couple of Peeta's chocolate chip cookies.

"Course you can." I say as I hand her half of a cookie. I then proceed to eat the remaining half as we continue on our journey. "Do you want to knock?" I ask as we finally reach the doorstep of Zoe's home.

"Yeah!" Zoe squeels excitedly sovi proceed go lift her so se can reach the newly installed doorbell. He presses the button forcefully so I place her back on the floor.

"Mama!" She screams as Effie opens the door. In a blur of movement Effie end up holding Zoe to her hip, opening the door for me to enter.

"So how's married life?" I ask as we are seated in the living room.

"It's amazing Katniss, better than I ever expected. Expecially as I though I would end up with some capitol snob who my parents arranged for me to wed. At least I'm with the love of my life. Any wedding plans for you and Peeta anytime soon?"

"No, No, No" I say hurriedly. The thought of something so serious still scares me. "I don't know if I will ever want to wed. Even Peeta. It's all just seems too serious."

"I know exactly what you mean. Thanks for looking after Zoe. Hope she wasn't too much of a problem for you. "

"She was perfect." I tell Effie "If you ever need anyone to look after her Peeta and I would be more than willing to. I never knew children could be so much fun."

"Look at you two growing up." She says "I still remember the scared girl who volunteered to save her sister. To think this is what you're like now. In all fairness I wasn't too sure either of you would survive. Let alone both of you."

"You and me both Effie. You and me both."

Short boring chapter sorry. Chapter deleted itself and had to start again so it was a bit rushed. Still, hope you enjoy.

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