Chapter 16

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Katniss' point of view

It's about 9 pm and both of the children have decided this is the perfect time to wake up.  Peeta went for a shower so I am currently looking after them by myself. I pick Fin up and take a hold of Zoe's hand. We walk to the living room and I get them both sat down the floor. Zoe decides that she wants to play with the blocks so she is quite contempt. Fin on the other hand decides that her wants to crawl around the floor. I make sure he doesn't go too far away, but I really enjoy just watching them have fun.

I sit there for about 10 minutes before I realise how hungry I am getting. Peeta and I haven't had a chance to eat a proper meal today as we were helping Haymich get everything ready. As Peeta is still in the shower and probably will be for another hour, I decide I will cook something. Haymich and Effie don't have to be the only ones who have a romantic evening.  We can too.

The power came back on here about an hour ago so I know we can have a decent meal for the first time in days. Fin is starting to get tired so I warm him up a bottle of milk and sit him on my lap and he drinks it. It's only a couple of minutes after he finished it that he falls asleep.  I place him in his seat and carry it in to the kitchen. Next I take Zoe and strap her in to the highchair in the kitchen. I take some of her blocks in there for her so she can continue to play with them and not be too distracting.

For dinner I decide to make a simple spaghetti bolognese. It's not just easy but it's one meal I can actually make better than Peeta.

As everything in on to cook I start to get the table set. I find a white tablecloth in one if the cupboards and spread it across the table. I then pull a couple of candle holders out from the storage cupboard and stick a couple of scented candles out and place them in the holders.  The table is starting to look nice and I finally feel like I am doing something nice for Peeta. It makes me feel like used to with him, before everything started to happen.

I am standing there, mixing the sauce, when I start to hear Peeta sing. He doesn't sing often but when he does it gives me butterfly's. 

I realise that he is singing The Hanging Tree, the song that started his journey back to me. Tears start to we'll up in my eyes and I find myself humming the tune.

I start plating up the dinner when I hear the bathroom door open. I quickly have time to move Zoe to the playpen in the living room

( she fell asleep about 15 minutes ago ) and light the candles on the table. I'm just placing the food on the table when he walked in to the kitchen, his chest bare and a blue fluffy towel is wrapped around his waist.

He walks over to the table and takes a seat. I join him and we start to eat. We eat in silence but to us it doesn't matter just being with each other is what counts. When I look over at Peeta I notice he has a strand of spaghetti stuck to his chest. I go over to him and remove it. He still has some sauce on him I grab a cloth a wipe it off. He turns hus head and pulls me on to his lamp.  His towel is wet but I don't mind. He pulls me in for a quick kiss then releases me so we can finish our dinner.

After we have finished I take the plates and place them in the sink. Normally they would be washed up straight away but tonight I'm not going to worry about them. Tonight is for us.

As I go to pour myself a drink I feel him poke me in the ribs. I quickly jump and end up spilling water over my top. Peeta flings me over his shoulder and carriers me up to our room.

When he sits me on the bed I feel him lifting my top over my head. I lift up my arms so it is easier for him and I feel a lot cleaner once the wet top has been removed. He walks over to the dresser and pulls out one of my nightshirts. He slips it on to my arms and buttons it up.  Kissing me on the neck as he finishes.

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