Chapter 24

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Effie's point of view

Haymich just left and I've never felt more alone. I remember him from my yearly visits to district 12 where is would really the reap the kids for the games. Even though I've only been with him during the games I still can't stop thinking about how cute he actually is. If only I knew him better. That's why it's so weird how he acted when he saw me. I still appreciate it though, it's nice just having someone here though.  Something doesn't feel right.

Katniss' point of view

Cesar takes a seat and I just sit there in silence. We are a lot friendlier now but I still have my reservations. Expecially when we are all going through something as big as this.

He flashes his teeth at me, smiling and I see a flash of something in his eyes.

"So Cesar, for what do I owe this pleasure?" I ask him cautiously. 

"Just wanting to check on our girl on fire. Can't have you going crazy on us now can we?" He says chuckling.

"If I didn't know you better I would be touched." I mockingly say "How about you tell me straight out. You should know me by now. I can see when you want something"

"I was wondering if it would be possible for President Paylor to meet up with you."



"Tell President Paylor I will as long as I can arrange the meeting place."

"Thanks Katniss, can't wait till you and the others come back for the show. It's going to be amazing. Have to get going, don't want any press here now do we?"

"We certainly don't Cesar" I say, finally returning his smile.

Before I can say another word he's nowhere in sight.

Haymich's point of view

I finally manage to muster up the courage to leave Effie's room. I don't want to leave her really but I have to. I have to be brave, not only for her, but for the others aswell.

I aim to find Katniss so I head towards the canteen hoping she is still there. At first glance I couldn't see her but I soon found her hidden behind some other people. As um heading towards her she spots me and runs at me for a hug. She asks if she can see Effie and I agree. I can't exactly tell her in the canteen though.

When we get to Effie's room Katniss goes to walk in but I grab her arm.

"What is it Haymich?  You said I could see her"

"There just something I should tell you first. She has lost some of her more recent memories. I don't know quite how she will react to you, or even if she knows who you are.juay don't take things to personally. "

She takes a deep breath and pushes the door open. I follow her in to the room and close the door behind us.

Effie's point of view

Haymich walks back in the room accompanied by some girl. She has loose brown hair and she is dressed in a way not normally associated with the Capitol. I guess she is not from here. At least not originally.  She takes a seat next to Haymich and takes my hand.

"Effie it's Katniss." She states timidly "It's nice to finally get to see you"

"Katniss" I wisper "Katniss? It seems sounds...familar"

I see a small smile flash across her face

"I'm from distric 12. I volunteered for my sister and myself and Peeta were your first ever victors."

"Katniss" I repeat again. Saying it more makes it sound familar but I still can't quite remember. I just lay there staring at her face. I remember one year there was a voulenteer but I only remember the boy. The baker. Peeta.

"Peeta?" I ask. "The baker?"

Haymich nods and we all go back to sitting in silence. 

"I remember trying to get him sponsors.  No one wanted to give him anything unless he was with the girl. You know the irritating one who stabbed my table?"

Katniss starts to blush, I don't know whether it is embarrassment or rage. She looks to Haymich and I see him give a small nod.

"The very same." Katniss replies. I can see she is holding back the tears now.

"At least he survived, if what you are saying is true" I say

"It is"

"It that's the case then that makes you... then that makes you Kat...Kar...Karoline?"

Silence fills the room for a while.

"Katniss!" Like a revaluation it comes to me. "I know you"

The last thing I see before I black out is Katniss wiping a tear from her cheek.


Sorry it took so long to update  but I hope you liked it. What do you guys want to see more of?

Have a good day :D

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