Chapter 17

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Annie's point of view

It's Fin's birthday today. I can believe he is allready a year old. It seems like it wasn't that long ago that I found out I was pregnant. It was about 3 weeks after that day. The day which will be forever burned in to my mind. I feel a few tears roll down my cheek and I use the butt of my hand to wipe them away. Today is about Fin and Fin only.

We finally moved in to 12 about a month and a half ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Later everyone is getting together to celebrate but for now it's just the two of us.

I carry Fin downstairs and set him down in the armchair. He just sits there looking at me as I walk through to the kitchen. Just like Zoe, Fin loves strawberries so I grab a bowl of them and head back to the living room. As I get to the doorway I see him leaning over the arm of the chair. He does this to scare me so I grab hum around his waste as sit him on my lap.

As I'm feeding hum a strawberry he starts to nibble on the end of my finger. I try to pull it out of his mouth but he bites down harder, I let out a small yelp and using my other hand I start to tiggle his tummy, this makes him release my ginger and start to laugh. We he laugh he really remind me Finnick. He gets the same mischievous look in his eyes and it just makes me smile. I can see some of Finnick in my little man.

An hour later I head off towards Haymich and Effie's. They are holding a small party for Fin today as Peeta and Katniss are doing something at their house, which no one can now about. As they let me in I see balloons and banners around the living room. It looks really amazing.

As soon as I step in to the living room Zoe comes running over to us. She is almost two now and getting so big. She runs straight in to my legs and gives them a hug "Auntie Annie" She shouts, her accent a mix of capitol and 12, and  I bend down to give her a kiss on the head.

"Morning Zoe, nice to see you"  I say ruffling her hair as she runs back off somewhere.

Just as I put Fin down on the floor Katniss and Joanna turn up. Gale and Joanna can back to 12 for Fin's birthday and are staying till after the wedding. The only problem is Haymich and Effie won't tell anyone when it is actually going to happen.

We get Zoe and Fin back in the living and I sit with him on the floor. Effie and Haymich give him their present first. As I help him unwrap it I see that they got him a couple of outfits. Each one of they featuring the sea. I start tearing up again and thank them with a huge amount of gratitude.  Joanna got him a miniature trident. In my opinion he's too young but I know what Joanna's like and I appreciate her for it.

Katniss and Peeta got Fin a couple of gifts. The first being a the cake in which Peeta is making the next is that they agreed to become Fins godparents. I decided it's time to get him christened and I couldn't think of anyone else who I would want to do it. It's strange to think I only met them because of the 3rd quarter quell.

Just as Fin finished rolling around in the wrapping paper Peeta and Gale arrive with the cake. It is a three tiered  cake. The bottom tier is iced in blue and is decorated to look like the beach of 3. The middle tier has baby animals all around it. It is his first birthday after all. The too tier hadn't been iced. I asked for this specifically as I didn't want Fin to be fed any icing as I don't think I will be able to cope with him being too hyper. We all sing happy birthday to him and he attempt to blow out the candle, that's when the phone starts to ring.

Haymich's point of view

The phone started to ring so I got up to answer it. It's a task I try to avoid doing but as everyone is here I'm a bit curious to see who's calling. I go to the phone in the kitchen and pick up the receiver and hold it to my ear.

"What do you want?"  I ask sternly.

"Haymich, Haymich, Haymich." I hear in a condescending voice "I called for a nice little chat and I get this? I though you would have improved on your manners just a little bit."

"Caesar, you never call just for a chat" I say trying to mimic his accent "you called me because you either want me to do something or for information so which is it?" Caesar starts to laugh

"So we are getting straight to the point then. I've been trying to phone everyone but you are the first to pick up. We want a big get together of everyone. Just a bit of a catch up really. What do you think?"

I remain silent for about a minuite, thinking about just what to say , "Who do you mean by everyone?" I ask curiously. 

"Why Katniss,  Peeta, Joanna,  Annie, Beetee and yourself." He pauses for a minuite " also Enobaria. What do you think?"

"Call back in an hour and you may have an answer"  I tell him before swiftly hanging up the phone.

I start walking to the cupboard as if to grab a bottle before I remembered I gave up on the drink. Instead I pour myself a glass of milk. It's not quite the same but coldness still gives me a bit of a kick and brings me back to my senses.

"What did Caeser want?" Effie asks the minuite I step through the door. I didn't know I spoke that loud but she must have heard it. By this point everyone is quietly looking at me. Even the kids have become silent.

I explain to them about the call and we get in a long discussion. Eventually we come to a decision. We all agree to go to the Capitol.  We are going to ask Sae if she wants to come and be our official babysitter. If she agrees she is going to look after Fin and Zoe but Zoe is going to be Sae's fake grandaughter. No one can know she is mine and Effie's.  Gale has to come with Joanna as they have finally admitted to us that they are an item but the Capitol cannot know. We are to be given full privacy unless we want something to be shared. I know it's a lot of demands but if they want us to share our life with them it's the least they can do.

When Caesar call back an hour later I tell him our conditions and he reluctantly accepts our terms. It turns out they care more about our lives than their own convenience.

----time laspe-----

Katniss' point of view

We are standing on the platform at 12 waiting for the train to arrive. Everyone is here including Sae and we are just waiting. We just best hope that this trip goes well.


This update came sooner than expected as it turned out I didn't have as much work as I though I did :D I have some ideas about what will happen next but I want to know what you guys want to see. Thanks to my amazing readers :)

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