Chapter 23

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Haymich's point of view

Without even realising it I'm outside Effie's room, clutching the stitch in my side and breathing heavily. Katniss is nowhere to be seen. I take a deep breath and step inside. Not quite knowing what she is going to be like.

Effie's point of view

I lay there peacefully. It's nice in my room, quiet. I am not able to move that much because I am attached to different machines but I don't mind. Things haven't been this peaceful in ages. 

The doctor told me I was in a coma. I don't quite know why. Now that I'm awake though they will be able to speed up the healing process. That's one good thing about the Capitol. I hope I don't have to be here long though. It's much better outside.  Just as I'm about to call the nurse to have someone to talk to the door starts to open. I hoped it would be doctor Jace but it's not.

Dirty blonde hair is the first thing I see.  It looks to be in quite a bad condition. Next I notice the tatty clothing. A pair of gray tracksuit bottoms and a stained white T-shirt.  You would think, being in the Capitol,  his dress sense would improve. It hasn't.  I don't mind though, it's Haymich and that's all that matters.

"Effie!" I hear him shout. I have never seen him look this happy before. A grin is spread across his face and there is a light to his eyes. He looks genuinely happy, not like the show he has to put on for the cameras.

He comes over to me and kisses my forehead. Strange?

"The others will be delighted to know you are awake. They have all been so worried" He sounds relieved when he says this.

"The others?"

"You know Peeta, Katniss, Gale, Joanna, Annie, Zoe and Fin"

I just lay there for a moment staring in to the distance.

"But Haymich, I don't know who half of them people are."

Peeta's point of view

Annie and I decided to take the children out for the day. Everyone's been through so much so it will be nice to get out for the day. We decided to go shopping but we also need to do something for the kids.

Once we left the hotel we weren't too sure where to start.  I knew I deffonatly wanted to drop in on Tigris, we all owe her so much and we never got to thank her. I feel that a thanks is very much in order.  So we head off down the street which looks the least crowded.

As we wak we get some odd looks. People know who we are and what we've done but to be honest I couldn't care at the moment, all that matters is that Annie has a good day.

One of the first shops we come across is hunger games merchendice shop, filled with items supporting victors from all the previous games. It surprises me the shop is still allowed to be open  it I choose to ignore it as I walk past. The only problem is I can't help but look. In the window is a supposidly life's ie picture of myself and Katniss.  You can tell it is heavily edited as it shows me taller than Katniss, but in reality she is taller than me. I sigh and carry on walking. 

The first shop we actually go in to is a clothes boutique. Annie and Fin go one way whilst Zoe and I go the other. I decide I'm going to get Katniss something nice today so I start browsing through the stock. I'm not too sure what I'm looking for but I know what I'm not looking for. I finally decide on a pale bleu sleeveless shirt. It's nice and simple, but it will suit Katniss to a tee. I also decided to get Haymich a new shirt.  He's been at the hospital too long and his clothes are a but tatty.

I meet up with Annie at the checkout and I pay for my items. All she got was a new pair of shoes for Fin but the days just started so a lot more is still to be brought.  I take Annie's bag off her and on our way we go.

Katniss' point of view

I decided to wait for Haymich to come back.  He should get to spend this time with Effie by himself, he needs it.  I go to get something se to eat. I don't really want anything but I need to keep myself busy because it feels like I might start having a moment soon. I get myself a blt and just sit staring at it for a while. 

When I start to eat my sandwich I am actually surprised. It's worse than I expected, but still better than what we used to put up with in the seam. Just as I finish the first half my phones starts to buzz. I don't usually use a mobile phone but as we are in the Capitol I don't feel safe without it.

I answer the phone to hear Peeta's voice

"Hey Katniss just wanted to check up on you. How's everything going?" He sound so sweet on the phone it makes me really appreciate everything he does for me.

"Peeta it's nice hearing from you. Not much going on. Apparently Effie's awake now but I haven't seen her. Haymich has been gone for about an hour now. But anyway how are you and Annie?"

"That's good to hear about Effie. We've just been shopping about.  We've found a play area so the kids and Annie are playing. Cesar someone found us earlier though so I just wanted to warn you to keep an eye out for him.  It seemed like he wanted to find you. I have to go now though Kat, sorry Zoe is crying see you later"

"Ok thanks for the heads up Peeta I will keep an eye out for him. Bye"

I hang up the phone and put it back in my bag. I see a flash of yellow from the corner of my eye and hear someone sit at my table. Who would have guessed it was Ceaser?


Yay update time! Once again thanks everyone for reading. Please tell me what you think. :D

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