Chapter 36

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Katniss' point of view

Its the first weekend of December when I'm finally traveling back to 12. As the train starts to slow I head towards the door, waiting patiently for the train to stop. I stand at the door as the district comes in view, the first thing I properly notice is Peeta standing there - waiting.

As the door of the carriage opens I run on to the platform, throwing my bag to the ground in the process. As I run to Peeta he opens his arms and I collide with him harder than anticipated, as a result we fall to the floor.

"I think we've been here before." Peeta laughs as he pushes my hair from my eyes.

"At least we're not pretending anymore." I reply as he kisses my forehead. "Here let me help you up."

I stand and out stretch my hand which Peeta grabs ahold of and I pull him to his feet. It's only then when I realise it's snowing. Large flakes of snow float aimlessly past my head as I grab for my bag and place my arm around Peeta's waist. "It feels like it's been so long since we last saw each other. I can't believe President Paylor wanted me to go so quickly. Next time you're coming with me."

"You agreed to it. Next time I'll make sure I come. It's just someone had to stay to look over the reconstruction of your house."

"I know. It's just I've been alone for 4 weeks in the Capitol with only Paylor and her workers to talk to. I'm just pleased to be home."

"What did she want?" Peeta asks curiously. "President Paylor I mean."

"She just wanted to talk about 13. They wanted my opinion about whether to start building on the surface, now they don't have the threat of the Capitol there is the possibility. Didn't decide anything though as Paylor wants more time to think it through. Other districts are priority at the moment."

"I see."

"So what are we doing today?" I ask

"I planned for us to just relax and watch some movies and stuff. That's if you want to?"

"Sound perfect."

Effie's point if view

As Haymich leaves to go who's know where I go upstairs to get Zoe changed in to something more appropriate for this weather. I'm still not too used to the snow as we never go it in the Capitol but the view of it from the window is something which leaves me silent. The beauty of it is something impossible to capture in any form of design. It's times like this when I realise the capitol was kept from so much. Most people wouldn't even know what Snow was.

As I slip my coat on and zip Zoe's up we head outside. As we head towards the town center we pass a few people heading back towards the houses. A woman in her early 50's comes over to us and stops us in the street. Zoe attempts to carry on walking but she realises I'm going to talk.

"You don't want to be heading that way dearie." She tells me with a somber look on her face.

"Why ever not?" I ask

"A blizzards coming. If you go there you'll be trapped. Most shops are shutting now. Best if you head home or somewhere safe."

I'm shocked by how so many people can sense an upcoming storm but I don't want to ignore the advice and get stranded so I take Zoe in to my arms and walk briskly back home.

"Mummy where we going?" Zoe asks as we quickly retrace our steps.

"We're going home hunny. The weather's bad and we don't want you getting ill." I say as I tap her nose. "We best hope Daddy is home though otherwise he might get ill."

As we reach the gates to victors village I notice the front door of our house is open and a figure stands, leaning against the doorframe.

" 'Bout time Sweetheart." He says sarcastically "Didn't know whether you'd be back in time."

"You mean the storm?" I ask "How does everyone know?"

"When you've lived here long enough you start to learn the signs. I though I was going to have to go out looking for you. I might have caught a cold or something. Better inside quickly." He says as he guides me 8nside and takes Zoe from my arms.

"Well as my plans for today have been scrapped what do you want to do?" I ask Haymitch as I hand my coat on the coat hook.

"How about we play cards. Haven't done that in a while." He smirks

"Ok but you know I'll win."

"In your dreams Sweetheart. "

Katniss' point of view

As I get up after the second film to go and make Peeta and I a mug of hot chocolate each I notice the storm clouds approaching. "Peeta!" I yell from the kitchen "There's a snow storm coming make sure the doors and windows are locked please."

He enters the kitchen silently, I only realised he had entered when he rested his head on my shoulder. I turn my head to give him a kiss as he hugs me.

"Nothing better than having a lazy day when a blizzards coming. Looks like you got home just in time though." He pulls back the curtain a bit to look outside. "By the looks of it yu may have been delayed by weeks if you were to arrive later."

"Fate obviously wanted me home."

"Well then my name must be fate then." He jokes as I proceed to stir the mugs. We sit at the table as we drink our hot chocolate. I kind of wish I had a roll go dunk in it now. The strange food combinations Peeta gets me in to are ridiculous.

"What you thinking about?" He asks

"Just remembering our journey to the capitol all them years ago when you started dipping your roll in to your hot chocolate. Who would know it tasted nice."

"You remember that?"

"Of course I remember it. I remember everything about you."

"If that's the case then tell me my shoe size."

"You have a very feminine size 5 feet Peeta. That's deffonatly something I'm not going to forget." I chuckle as I say it.

He stands from the table and heads towards the pantry.

"Peeta get me something to eat please."

As he throws something go me I reach my hands out to catch it. It's only when it's on my hands that I realise he threw me an apple.

"Peeta." I chuckle "If we were ancient Greek you would have just proposed to me. Fact of the day for you."

"No mistake." Peeta says. I look up to see him on the floor in front of me on one knee.

"Katniss Everdeen, you will be my wife. Real or not real."

"I um I." I say not quite knowing what just happened.

"Oh Peeta." I say as I take a step or two backwards. "Just give me a minute." I ask shakily as I run from the room.

Cliffhanger sorry.

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