Chapter 27

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Annie's point of view

"Cesar is Zoe - Marie's father, real or not real?" It's the fourth time this question has come up now. I don't know why this question is so prominently in Effie's mind.

"Not real" I answer. She just stares blankly at the wall for a while. Silence fills the room as she stares. It just the two of us here currently. I been spending more and more time with Effie since she came home, trying to help her remember what she has forgotten. Almost everything's back now, it's just some of the finer details. One of which included the identity of Zoe's father.

"So Haymich is Zoe's father. Real or not real?"


As she hears my answer I see a faint smile starting to spread across her face. If anything it is starting to seem that she loves Haymich more now. She excuses herself and heads towards the stairs. I head over to check on Fin on his playmat. He's chewing on the plush trident Katniss and Peeta got for him. I leave him on his mat and start to get ready for lunch.

Katniss' point of view

Taking Peeta's hand in mine I tentitivly lead him down one of the routes I know leads to a lovely park. If I'm going to tell him about Paylor offer I'm going to do it somewhere nice. 

As we reach the edge of the park the sounds of children laughter can be heard. More and more children go out to play now President Paylor is in charge, it turns out everywhere is a lot safer now. I feel the ground start to slope as we start to head down towards a nice secluded bench situated under a couple of young trees. I turn around and take both of Peeta's hands, running backwards towards the bench. The only problem is I ended up missing a hile in the field. The heel of my foot is placed too far across the edge of the hole and I feel myself falling. I quickly let go of Peeta's hands and attempt to manoeuvre myself in to a position in which I will not get as badly injured. I place my arms out in front of me and turn to face the ground as I'm falling.  All I end up doing is making myself look a fool as I sit on the floor with mud scuffs on my knees. That's when I notice the cameras start to flash.

I stand up and brush myself off.  I realise it's not too safe to talk to Peeta here but I'm sure Paylor will be able to prevent our conversation being aired on the Capitol TV.  My fall however is ensured to be shown.

As I take a seat on the rugged wooden bench I really start to take in my surroundings. Daisy's are dotted all around the meow,  patches reside in certain areas whilst others are bare. The trees above us have apple green leaves and the gentle breeze allow for a slight amount of movement of the leaves. It's refreshing to be here. Peeta takes a seat next to me and he places his hand on my calf. I place my hand on top of his and pull one of my legs up to my chest, resting my foot on the seat of the bench.

"Peeta I need you to hear me out here. You may get a tad annoyed with me but I need you to listen and understand. I did what I thought was right. I also want to know your honest opinion, please don't sugar you answer I need to know the truth." I say whilst staring in to his gorgeous blue eyes "The day Effie came home I had a meeting with President Paylor. I met her after you fell asleep on the roof of the tribute center. She said she wanted to talk to me in private and you were just going through so much, I didn't want to have to worry you any more than you allready were. So I went alone and we talked"

I can tell he is really focusing on what I am saying so I carry on talking

"She wanted to... She wanted to offer me a job. Helping her with important decisions.  I told her I would speak to you before I made any decisions.  What do you think?"

"But Katniss" He says pulling me closer and giving a quick kiss on my forehead.  "You don't need to work, the bakery provides enough for the both of us. Any they still insist on giving us the victor money from the games. You only have to do this if you really want to. You don't have to if you don't want to." A reassuring smile sweeps across his face

"I'm not too sure. She seems pretty persistent on it. She said we could remain in District 12, we wouldn't have tl worry about living out here permanent,  bit we will need a place of residence out here. They are willing to supply that though. I just want your opinion on it. Should I say yes or no? What do you think?"

"I think you would be great at anything you attempt to do. It also means that you can stop certain things happening which you don't agree with, that's what you wanted wasn't it? Being able to prevent anything terrible happening again?"

"I think your right Peeta" I say brushing an odd lock of hair out of his face "I'm going to take this job and we are going to make a difference.  I really do love you Mr Mellark"

"And I love you Miss Everdeen"


So a quick shortish update. Have fun reading :D

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