Chapter 21

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Joanna's point of view

After Peeta turned the TV off I ran over and gave Katniss a massive hug. I actually can't believe this happened. I should have stayed with them on the train. Maybe things would have been different.

We run to the door and grab our coats. It's me Katniss, Peeta and Haymich. Haymich, how is he coping will all of this.  His fiancee and daughter were there. I don't know how he is still as stable as he is.

When we get to the outside of the building we see a minivan waiting outside. The driver comes over to us and we all just stand there, not knowing quite what to do.

"Hello, my name is Silken and I was sent by Ceaser to pick you up. He though you might like a ride."

I let out a sigh of relief and head towards the minivan. When I get my seat belt on I just start to think. I know Gale should be my main though at the moment but I can't stop thinking about Annie and Fin. She was trying to keep him out of all the Capitol fame and wanted him to be unknown. I just hope they are all ok.

When I finally snap back to reality I look up.  Haymich has his head buried in his hand and I can hear him crying. He has been strong for too long. Peeta has his face buried in Katniss' shoulder and she just stared blankly ahead. I decide it's best if I keep myself busy because if I don't them I'm going to break down.

"Have you.. um .. heard anything new?" I ask the driver who picked us up, Silken I think is name is.

"Im sorry. Can't say I have malm."

I nod and go back to staring at my hands.

"How much longer till we are there?" I ask Silken

"Not long now, I'm taking you around one of the side fire exits where someone will meet you. That way no one should bother you. About 5 minuites"

"Thanks Silken" I smile weakly and he returns it.

When Silken pulls up at the side entrance I tap Katniss and Peeta on the shoulder to tell them we are here. I look over to see Haymich. He is looking out of the window now. His eyes puffy and bloodshot.  Silken helps us out of the minivan and we are greeted by a women name Sesso. She shakes our hands as we greet her but no one is really paying attention. 

"Zoe?" Haymich asks the woman.

"Just give me a second" She says hurriedly "Clarissa! Jace!" She shouts as two more people come hurrying over.

"Zoe!" Haymich says again, shouting this time. Clarissa comes over and takes his hand and leads him away.

I leave Katniss and Peeta with Jace as I go with Sesso to see Gale. I walk along the corridor. I have managed to pull myself together, I have to stay strong for Gale.

She stops outside a plain white door and knocks three times. She tells me to wait as she goes inside. I look around to see if I can see the others. They are no where in sight.

Sesso come back out and let's me enter the room. I am wary at first as I don't know what state Gale is going to be in. I close the door and turn to face the bed. I can tell it's a private room because of the size. As I turn to see Gale I just stand there shocked. He has a leg in plaster and a bandage around his head, coving his right eye. He spots me with his good eye and I run towards his. I'm crying again now but this time it's tears of happiness.

He pulls me in to a hug and I kiss his cheek. I can feel my tears on my checks and he reaches up and wipes them away with his thumbs. I go to pull up a chair next to his bed but instead he pulls me down next to him.

"So what actually happened to you?" I ask his curiously

"We were driving along playing cards when the limo go hit. All I remember I flying across, off my seat. Next thing I know I'm in here with a busted leg and damaged eye." 

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