Chapter 7

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Katniss point of view

I wake up to the sound of singing travelling around the house. It must be early because my alarm hasn't gone off yet therefore Peeta better have a good excuse for waking me up so early. I check the clock and it reads 6:55. Not actually that early then. I decide I will forgive him for waking me up expecially as it's an exciting day for us today. I have a shower and get dressed then go downstairs. The smell of burnt toast fills the air. That's means there is a major problem because he never burns bread.

I run in to the kitchen expecting to see a disaster scene. It turns out Peeta is sitting on the floor attempting to feed Zoe. It's not going well and as a result Peeta is wearing the majority of the food. The remove the burnt remains from the toaster and open a couple of windows to try and air out the room. Peeta tells me that Effie is at Haymich's telling him and informs me about what we will be doing today.

After a disastrous breakfast we get Zoe strapped in to her buggy and set off for Sae's house. We knew she would be more than happy to look after Zoe as she just adores the way there Zoe decides it would be fun to throw one of her shoes on the ground. I patiently pick it up and attempt to put it back on her. She just wiggles around laughing. I finally manage to get her shoe back on her and carry on with our journey.

After we had dropped Zoe off we head towards the bakery. Annie told us she doesn't want any of us meeting her at the station and that she will meet us at the bakery by 12. Me and Peeta have got a little present for Fin. It's a little stuffed toy trident. Annie is trying to keep little reminders about Finnick around so Fin will know who his father was and what he was know for so we though this would be a good present.

Peeta starts baking cakes and go to the front of the shop to serve the customers, mainly for the fact that I can't bake to save my life. I enjoy manning the till anyway as there are no negative association with it.

At 5 to 12 Annie walks in with Fin. He is so big now it is unbelievable. I remember being in 4 when he was born. We though Annie would need the support so everyone went out there to be with her. He was tiny when he was born but he allready had bright green eyes and sandy blonde hair. Anyone would know who's son he was.  I run over to Annie and give he a one armed hug, trying no to squash Fin.

I bring Annie in to the back of the shop and call for Peeta. He comes running in wearing a flour covered apron and is thrilled to see them.

"Annie it's been so long. We've missed you so much! Have you settled in all right?" He says putting his hand on her elbow "Oh sorry Annie, I just got flour on your beautiful dress"

"It's nothing Peeta. Don't worry about it. I've settled in fine thanks and I know it's been too long since we last saw each other. We deffonatly need to see each other more often."

The bakery phone starts ringing so I excuse myself to go answer it. Peeta and Annie are still chatting whilst I answer the phone.

"Hi it's Effie can I ask who's speaking please?"

"Effie it Katniss are you ok?"

"Ah Katniss, I'm pleased I got you and not one of the employees. Did you drop Zoe off at Sae's?"

"Yeah, Sae said she would look after Zoe till whenever you are ready to pick her up."

"Great I wanted to get her in order for her to meet her daddy."

"Was Haymich enthusiastic? " I ask as it seems very unlikely of him.  At this point Peeta shouts out to see if I'm all right.  I tell him I'm fine and go back to talking to Effie.

"Yeah he was surprisingly enthusiastic.  That's what happens when he is off the booze."

"Oi I heard that" shouts a voice in the distance "I will have you know I take that offensively Sweetheart" He then chuckles so I know he is joking.

"I better let you go Katniss. You have to be with Annie. She is probably there by know. Tell her I said hello and I will speak to her later."

"Will do, see you later Effie. Dinner will be about 8 if you and Haymich want to join us. We will understand if you don't want to though" then I hang up.

"Peeta! Annie! I just have to pop out quickly. I will be back soon."

"Bye Katniss!" They shout simultaneously as I walk out the door.


Don't forget all rights belong to Suzanne Collins. Comment what you would like to see happen.

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