Chapter 34

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Katniss' point of view

Peeta and I are woken from our sleep by Zoe coming in and climbing on our bed. As I go to sit up I notice Peeta attempting to roll over and go back to sleep. He was up most of the night trying to get me to calm down. I know he deffonatly went to sleep after I did.

As I step out of bed and grab Zoe, I make sure to turn off any alarms we have set. I want Peeta to be able to sleep as long as possible. As I'm walking downstairs Zoe starts to ask what food there is. She's just like her Auntie Katniss. As I place he in the highchair we borrowed from Haymich and Effie I go to the fridge and take a couple of strawberry yoghurts, one for me and one for Zoe. I take the lid if them both and kick it clean as I'm grabbing a couple of spoons. I give Zoe's hers as I eat mine, expecting there to be a mess afterwards.

After I clean the floor, and the tiles, and the door of the fridge I take Zoe back upstairs to get her changed. I put her in a white dress which has pink flowers on it. I add a matching band to her hair as I tie it in to a ponytail. I then decide it's time for me to have a shower, so I put Zoe back on the bed and play one of her favourite films.

I'm only in the shower for 10 minutes but when I come out Zoe has gone back to sleep. I can't exactly blame her but I decide as I'm up I might as well stay up. I know I have to keep busy though if I don't want to think about last night. That's how I decide I'm going go knit. My mother taught Prim and I how to knit when we were children. Prim obviously picked it up a lot quicker than I did, but when I got back from the Capitol after the rebellion I had to keep myself busy somehow so I started knitting again. My skills have improved tenfold.

I go into one of the unused bedrooms and take my current project our from the chest at the end of the bed. No one uses this room so it's a good place to hide things. As I get to work I realise just how much of it I've actually done. It's almost completed. The realisation of this really cheers me up as it means I will finally be able to give them out. I've made a blue blanket for Fin, which has knitted images of the sea on it. I though it would be like a small memory of district four. I have also made a blanket for Zoe. It's purple in colour with her name written in a pale pink. I have also made one for Peeta. That's the one I'm just finishing. It's a sunset orange at one end, but it goes in to a forest green at the other. It's to signify us together. I made it for his art room as he sometimes falls asleep in there& or works really late and doesn't want to wake me by coming to bed.

As I finish it, I tie a red ribbon around it like I have the others and place them back in to the chest. It's almost 11 by now so I reckon he will be awake soon.

I leave the room, silently shutting the door behind me and head towards the room Zoe is in. As I reach the doorway I hear noise coming from the room which means Zoe is awake. I open the door gently as not to scare her but find myself shocked as she is not alone. Peeta lays on the bed next to her, reading to her from one of the few children's books we have lying around our house.

"He lost lost princess has returned." Peeta chimes smiling at me. "Wondered when you would greet us with your presents."

"Oh Peeta. I wasn't exactly lost. I was just in the room down the hall."

"I know I could hear you humming. That's why I left you on peace."

"I was humming?" I ask confused. I didn't mean to hum "Do I.... do it often?"

"Fairly" He replies "only when you are really focusing in something. It's really cute." He adds calling me over to sit with them.

He finishes reading Zoe the book and places it in the bedside table. Ready to start the day.

So what do you think? I think there will only be a couple more chapters left. Hope you all liked it and thanks for over 3k reads :D

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