Chapter 32

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Joanna's point of view

We all arranged to meet at the outskirts of district 12 by 1:15 pm. All except Haymich, Effie and Zoe. They said they will meet us there as they are busy till quarter to. Still, I doubt Effie will let them be late. As I check my watch it reads 1:17, trust it to be me who's running late. The weird encrypted message said to dress smart l, so naturally I didn't follow. I'm wearing blue jeans which are ripped at the knees and a black hoodie. This is accompanied my blue shoes.

By the time I finally arrive at the meeting place it's twenty past and I am the last to arrive. Everyone is dressed so smartly compared to me but I really couldn't care less. The first thing I notice is the fact that Peeta is carrying a bread knife tucked in to the belt of his trousers. He really doesn't trust whatever this is. Personally I think one of us lot knows what's going on, and I think that person is Annie. She was too calm about the situation and agreed too easily.

As we start to make our way across the meadow, Annie places Fin on the ground and let's him walk as long as he is holding her hand. He really is getting big now and he really reminds me of Finnick. Although I am starting to see some of Annie in him too. He then proceeds to trip and fall. This immediately starts the waterworks.

Peeta's point of view

Just as we reach the clearing before the lake Annie managed to get Fin go stop crying. The thing is its now too quiet and everyone is on edge. I pull the knife from my belt and hold it in front of me as we finally get towards the lake. The only problem is no one is in site.

As I check my watch I realise we still have ten minutes to wait, so we all take a seat on the biggest rock we could find. That's when they appear.

"Thanks for coming out here for our wedding guys. Hope we didn't scare you too much." A voice giggles. Instantly I recognise it to be none other than our very own Effie Trinket.

We all remain sitting on the rock, shock still present in everyone's faces. It was them who set us up. Effie and Haymich.

As they say their final I Do's, we all stand and start to clap. For the first time in so long something good happens. But most of all it happened to Haymich and he is the one who deserved it the most.

Sorry this chapters not great. Really struggled writing this one but I wanted to get it done. I hope to improve the standard of the next chapters. Happy reading :D

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