Chapter 30

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Haymich's point of view

"We have to tell them soon" I hear for the hundredth time today.

"Not yet sweetheart. We can wait just a bit longer."

"But it's happening in three days. Three!" She whines, holding up three fingers to me. "Does that not mean anything to you?"

"Yeah it means we have three days until we have tell them
Three." I mockingly say, copying the Effie's gesture to emphasise three fingers. Next thing I know, I'm standing in the room alone, the door slamming shut in the distance.

"Effie!" I call "Effie? Come back here princess. Please. You know I was joking"

"Haymich Likka Abernathy, you know how much this means to me. Do you really think it's funny?" Sitting on the bottom step of the stairs sits an annoyed Effie Trinket. "Please just let me tell them. They would tell us"

"I give in Sweetheart. Go on then you can tell them. Just so it in a fun way though, for me?"


Peeta's point of view

I decide to walk past the station on the way to the bakery today. It's usually the most peaceful route and I get to avoid the justice building.

As I round the corner to the bakery, I notice a group of mockingjay flying overhead towards the meadow. The sun hits their dark feathers just enough to make them shine. This puts a smile on my face.

When I finally aproach the bakery no one is to be seen. The orange glow of the sunrise fills the sky around as I unlock the doors.

"Today's going to be a productive day." I tell myself as I relock the doors behind me.

Hanging up my jacket, I pick up probably my most treasured possession, my apron. One of the only things I have left from before.
I had been rushing home that night. The night the 75th quarter quell was going to be announced.  I had said farewell to my father and started to run. I wasn't even meant to be at the bakery today. What would happen if I missed the announcement? I know they have a TV in the bakery but I didn't want to be with everyone else incase the announcement was bad. It was only when I removed my jacket that I realised I was still wearing my work apron from the bakery. Mother would kill me if she realised I had taken it home by mistake. I quickly took it off and shoved it in one of the unused cupboards, waiting to take it back the following day. Little did I know that that was the last time I worked in my father's bakery.
As I start to walk towards my prepping station I feel something in the pocket of my apron. As I remove my hand I realise that it is a laminated card. Strange? Why would that be in here? I hurriedly flip it so I can see what's on it.

On the face of the laminated card is a paper clipping of just one word. 


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