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Our kiss broke but we stayed sitting closely on the rock. Harry rested his forehead against mine.

"That was....that was well worth the wait." He smiled.

I didn't say anything, I just smiled. I couldn't. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say.

Kissing Harry was not like I expected it to be. Since we've always been best friends, I told myself would be like kissing a brother but it wasn't.

It wasn't like that at all.

Harry Potter was a great kisser.

His kiss told me so many different things about the way he was feeling without him having to say a word. One thing I was completely sure of is that he would never hurt me, or leave me.

We separated our heads and intertwined our fingers together, enjoying the stars.

It was quiet but I didn't mind that. Quiet was good, quiet meant nothing was going on.

"What are you two doing?" Ron interrupted.

"Nothing just checking out the stars." Harry smiled.

"Yeah and kissing." He snapped.

Something was wrong with Ron. He looked angry, and Ron never looked angry. He was one of the happiest people I knew, despite everything we were going through.

"Is that a problem?" Harry questioned, standing off the rock to face Ron.

"No of course not. Just another case of the chosen one getting what he wants." Ron scoffed. "I guess even Draco Malfoy can't win against you, you've taken his girl. What's next Harry?"

When he mentioned Draco I felt my heart speed up instantly and tears threatened my eyes.

"Ron— what's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing other than being stuck in the middle of the woods, running because of this one." He spat pointing at Harry.

"Ron!" Hermione yelled, stepping out of the tent. "Stop it. You're being rude."

Yep, something was definitely off about Ron. I stood up off the rock, standing beside Harry. Trying to figure out what could have cause this sudden out burst from him.

"What? I'm just pointing out that some of us actually have family." Ron hissed. "It's hard for us to run when we have people waiting for us."

"Screw your Ron!" Harry yelled. "So go then! Go be with them. Leave us!"

"Ron, take off the locket." Hermione ordered. "It is messing with your head."

"You want me to leave then Harry?" He spat, completely ignoring Hermione.

"If that's how you feel about me then yeah, go." Harry yelled.

"Fine, I'm out of here! Good luck." He hissed, ripping the locket off and dropping it on the ground.

"Ron! Wait—" Hermione yelled, trailing after him.

Harry picked the locket up off the ground and secured it in his pocket. We both decided no one should wear it, not if that is what is does to us.

We couldn't afford to be fighting right now, there was to much at stake. We needed to focus.

"He's gone." Hermione cried, returning back to the tent with Harry and I.

"I'm sorry." I breathed, wrapping my arms around her.

"It's alright— why don't you two get some sleep?" She offered. "I won't be able to sleep now anyways, so I'll keep watch."

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now