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I didn't have a nightmare tonight, instead I dreamt of what I saw what I was trapped in the stone. I still wasn't sure if it was real or all in my head but I saw him... I saw Cedric and it felt real.

"Where am I?" I groaned when the black faded away and my eyes opened.

I stood up and looked around. I was back at Hogwarts, but it didn't look destroyed like it was from the battle. It was pieced back together, looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Little sister." Cedric called, approaching from behind me.

"Oh my god—" I gasped, turning to face him running into his arms. "Cedric!"

I watched his smile grow as I leaped into his arms, wrapping myself around his neck. His warm scent I had missed so much flooded my senses.

"Is this real?" I whispered, crying into his shoulder.

"Does it feel real?" He smiled.

When we pulled apart I kept my hands on his shoulders, trying to maintain my theory that this was in fact real. I could feel his warm body beneath my hands.

"Cedric — did I die?" I asked.

"You could say that." He smirked.

My face fell, a frown pushing the corners of my mouth down. I was happy to see my brother, but I didn't want to be dead, I had so much left to do.

"I wasn't ready." I admitted, tears rising in my eyes.

"Well— you can go back, ya know?" He smiled.

"What?" I questioned.

"You aren't technically dead, more like just hanging in limbo right now— the space between if you will"

"I am confused." I shook my head.

"I know but let's not waste our time with details, we don't have much time. You will be going back soon."

I didn't argue, I just wanted to be here with my brother and try to enjoy whatever time I did have left with him. I let out a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm so proud of you." He beamed. "You have been so brave."

"I've been scared Cedric — practically the whole time." I admitted.

"You would completely mental if you weren't." He laughed.

"We're you— scared?" I started. "In the graveyard?"

"Only for a moment." He assured me.

"We never got to say goodbye." I cried.

"I know." He nodded. "But we get the chance now."

I felt my chest tighten and a knot form in my throat. Cedric pulled me in for another hug, pressing me against his chest.

A bright light appeared over our heads, it was almost blinding.

"You have to be on your way now." He smiled. "I love you and I'm always with you.

"I love you-" I cried.

Watching as he walked away, the light getting closer to me with each passing second.

"And Regan—" he starred, turning to face me again. "Malfoy... he's alright after all." He smiled, nodding in approval before he disappeared.

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