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  Harry apparated us back to the Weasleys. I could barely catch my breath from the sobs. I could tell it was hurting Harry to see me like this. I had not been able to tell him much of what happened, I was to upset.

When we walked into the door, everyone rushed to meet us. They stared with curious eyes, wondering what happened. Ginny and Hermione took me from Harry's arms and wrapped me into a group hug with them. I saw Ron and George stare at each other and flicker a wondering expression to Harry. They were trying to piece together what could have happened.

"What happened?" Hermione finally asked.

I didn't say anything, I knew if I tried to my voice would betray me and nothing would come out. I looked at Harry and gave him a nod, gesturing for him to tell them. He understood, parting his lips to speak.

"He... Thought she was dead." he huffed.

All the eyes in the room widened with shock. Ginny sucked in a gasp and Mrs. Weasley did the same.

"How is that-- How could he think that?" Ron asked.

"His parents... his father." Harry replied. "He hid the truth from him."

"That is completely mad." Ginny snapped. "How could someone's parent do that?"

"Because it's Lucius Malfoy, that's how." Ron scoffed.

"That means-" George started. "It must have been quite the shock to see you there then huh?"

"You should have seen his face." I spoke up, my voice was shaky.

"Come on Dear, let's get you sat down on the couch. You need to relax a little." Mrs. Weasley announced, and they guided me into the living room.


In no time I was standing outside of the Borrow, staring at the tall house with golden light shining through the windows. I wasted no time and headed for the front door. I wanted to just barge in, but I didn't. I lifted my blood-stained knuckle and knocked, waiting for someone to answer.

When the door swung open Potter was greeting me on the other side. He didn't look happy to see me, not that I expected him too.

"Where is she?" I blurted.

"Draco- she needs a little time." Harry started.

I wasn't going to listen to him. I wanted to be as civil as possible since things were already such a mess but I felt the anger twitching inside me. I needed to see her.

"Potter!" I snarled. "Where is she?"

My eyes flickered to a figure stepping out from behind the wall in the living room. It was her, she stopped in her tracks and stared at me. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen, with dark circles forming around them. I choked down the emotions threatening inside me that made me want to start crying right here on the Weasleys porch.

"It's alright Harry." She nodded, walking towards us.

She exchanged a long gaze with Potter, ending it with a nod before she turned her attention back to me. She walked past me, stepping outside the house and walking into the yard.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting married?" she huffed, crossing her arms facing me.

"Not anymore." I breathed. "I could never go through with that now."

"Why Draco?" she blurted. "Why didn't you ever come back?"

"Regan-- I thought you were dead."

"So, you fell in love with someone else and were getting married...a year after I died?"

I felt sick. I didn't want her to think I loved anyone but her. I knew they way it must of looked to her but she was wrong. My stomach churned when I thougth about how she must have felt when she heard I was getting married. If it was the other way around, I would have went completely mad. 

"What? No! I don't love Astoria; it was arranged by our parents." I assured her.

I saw her features slightly soften but I could tell she was still upset. I couldn't blame her; this whole thing was so fucked up. My dad was so fucked up. But I still felt guilty that all this time she was alive, and I had no idea. It was time wasted, time we could have had together.

"I asked for you, you know." She cried. "When I woke back up after the curse hit me."

I felt my chest tighten; it was painful. She needed me and I wasn't there.

"I am so sorry-" I stuttered, tears rising, my throat felt like it was closing.

Her blue eyes were piercing into mine. Neither of us said anything, just taking in each other's presence. I never thought I would see her standing in front of me again. I had dreamt about it so many times, wishing it were true and now here she was. I still had to keep subconsciously reminding myself, she was real.

I was dark before her, and she became my light. She was the reason I could through the most difficult times of my life, I just thought of her. When I thought she was dead, I felt the warmth leave me again. I was back to being cold and black but standing here with her, I can feel it returning. My light has returned to me, my shooting star.

"Regan- I don't know what to say. I know we can't get that time back and I'm sorry. But let's not waste anymore-- I can't lose you again." I cried.

She stared at me, studying my face. Tears were flooding her eyes, but a small smile broke through and she spoke, words I had been dying to hear for a year.

"Draco." she whispered. "Kiss me."

There was no hesitation after the words left her lips, I let out a deep breath and rushed to her until our faces were inches away and crashed my lips into hers, cupping her face with both my hands.


When his lips touched mine, all the pieces of me that were broken and crumbled mended themselves. Everything felt whole again, it felt right. I couldn't stop the tears from flooding my vision as we continued kissing, but they weren't sad tears, they were relief, happiness and love.

Draco Malfoy was my soulmate. I think I had always known that. There was something between the two of us that could only be explained but just accepting it was fate. He was made for me and I was made for him.

He wrapped his arm around me and swept me off the ground, continuing our kiss as my feet dangled off the ground and our chests pressed together. I could feel our hearts beating against each other's, it felt like they were in unison.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, never wanting to let go. His tongue was dancing with mine.

When the kiss broke, he rested his forehead against mine, both of us smiling and trying to catch our breath.

"I love you-- so much." He whispered.

The butterflies in my stomach fluttered at his words. I had missed hearing them, more than he could ever know.

"I love you." I breathed, smiling up at him.

He took a step back from me, creating space between us as he looked intensely at my face. A smile crept onto his face, widening with each second.

"What?" I question, curious what was going through that brain of his.

His smile deepened and he took both my hands into his, drowning me in those grey eyes.

"Marry me." 


Sorry for the shorter chapter! I just wanted it to be all about there reunion and a little bomb drop at the end ;) 

Also I jumped between their POV's a lot because I wanted you to see how they were both feeling to see eachother again after all this time. 

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