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  When our feet hit the ground, we were in a dark alley. I could see lights ahead of us and Harry started leading us in that direction.

"Where are we?" I whispered.

"There is a place just down at the end of the alley called the Department of Mysteries." He answered. "It is kept by the ministry of Magic but they have a place inside called the hall of Prophecy."

"I'm guess that's where it is then?" Ron asked.

"No shit, idiot." Fred huffed.

We walked down the alley and across the street, heading straight for the front doors of the tall building.

The door was locked but that wasn't going to stop us, obviously.

I took out my wand and pointed it at the door.

"Alohomora" I whispered.

The lock clicked and the door popped open. We all rushed inside, shutting and locking it back behind us.

Like that would keep out you know who, if he really showed.

Harry led us up the stairs and past several doors until we reached two ginormous wooden doors at the end of the hall. They had to be at least 15 feet tall.

"It's in here." He whispered.

He reached up, twisting the knob in his palm and pushing the doors open. Inside there was shelves upon shelves of glowing white glass balls.

They were all the different prophecy's the ministry had collected and stored here over the years.

"Bloody hell." Neville gasped.

"How are we suppose to find yours Harry? There's got to be over a million in here." Ron huffed.

"The rows are numbered, mine is on row 97." He whispered. "I saw it in his head."

We began running down the different rows, searching for number 97.

71, 72, 73, I was counting as I ran.

"It has to be this way!" I shouted.

We got to row 97 and Harry was able to locate the correct ball, taking it into his hand before securing it in his pocket.

A loud explosion came from the doors.

"We have to go!" Harry yelled.

We took off in the opposite direction we came, we knew there was no way we could go back that way. Someone had just blown those doors open.

We found an exit at the back of the room and took it, no idea where it lead. The sound of foot steps rushing after us caused my heart and legs both to move faster.

"You can't run from us Potter!" A familiar voice called from behind, it was Bellatrix Lastrange. Someone had broken her wacky ass out of Azkaban.

Harry turned and looked at me as we ran, I could see in his eyes he was afraid. We all were, if they were here, we may not be able to get out without a fight.

"There!" Hermione yelled, pointing to a door that looked like it led outside.

We started rushing, sprinting as fast as we could for it, hoping it led outside and we could get the hell out of here.

When the doors swung open, we were in fact outside but wands began flicking, sending balls of curses in our direction immediately.

I ducked behind a statue just outside the doors, my back pressed against it. We had all scattered, trying to find a place to conceal ourselves.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now