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"Ouch" I groaned, rolling over in my bed. The sun was peeking through the blinds, glaring a harsh line of light on my face. I am sore, physically aching from what happened with Draco yesterday. Putting a lot of faith in my legs, I stood out of bed and surprisingly was perfectly fine to stand again.

Is this what is going to be like after sex every time? I asked myself. I sure hope not, but I don't have anything to compare it with. I peeled my pajamas off, staring at my bare body in the mirror, I feel different, sexier even.

I got dressed in my usual uniform, topping it off with my robe. I was excited to go to potions this morning, to see him again. The thought of the rest of the Slytherins being there made me cringe but it was unavoidable.


Draco wasn't at breakfast this morning, at least not at the same time I was. I was running a little late though, so it wasn't surprising. I had completely missed my friends as well, I overslept. I think my body was exhausted.

I sucked a deep breath in before stepping into the potion's classroom. Draco and the rest of the gang were sitting at their usual table. I caught a cold glare from Pansy but nothing from Draco. He didn't even look in my direction.

I sat down in my spot beside Neville, still not a peep from Draco. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe at least a hello. It's not like his friends didn't see him dancing with me, so what's the harm in speaking but there was just silence.

I felt my throat knotting up, he had taken my virginity just hours ago and couldn't even look at me. Did he use me? Was it more games from? The thought of it made me feel sick, like I could throw up right here on this table.

"You alright Reg?" Neville asked, concern was plastered across his face. "Your face is pale as a ghost."

I swallowed hard trying to push the knot down and took a deep breath. "I'm alright, Neville" I replied, not meaning it. I could tell he didn't believe me; he picked up his hand, and gave the middle of my back a gentle rub.

"I don't know what it is Regan, but if it's Malfoy, he's not worth a second of your time." he whispered.

"What-" I stammered, looking at Neville shocked he even said that "Why would you think it had anything to do with- with him?"

"I saw the dance last night." he shrugged, "Odd of him, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, odd." I huffed. I was relieved Neville wasn't referring to anything else he might have seen.

Snape took his place at the front of the class and began his lecture droning on about different potions, but I wasn't even able to pay attention to him. Despite the fact his voice was so monotone it could put me to sleep; it was my mind wandering that kept me from listening.

"Now work amongst yourselves on the essay due by the end of class tomorrow." Snape announced. "Make too much noise and I'll brew a potion that renders you unable to speak for days."

"Bloody hell, Snape truly is twisted." Neville whispered. "Want to work on this thing together?"

I nodded in agreement and we got to work, flipping through pages trying to get enough information to be able to form a coherent 3-page handwritten paper. Neville and I both decided to do the paper on the love potion. We had three we could choose from, but that one sounded the easiest.

"I think I'd better slip some of this love potion to Luna." Neville teased.

"You like Luna then?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's great." he smiled. Neville was so kind, the exact opposite of Draco.

"Like anyone would shag you." Pansy hissed from behind us. "Bleh!" she stuck her hand in her mouth, sticking out her tongue like she was gagging. Neville looked away; his face full of defeat and embarrassment.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now