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When our feet met the pavement outside of the Weasley Burrow, my breathing was able to steady. Just a little. At least I couldn't be killed at any moment here, but now I had to fully accept the fact that I was in hiding... on the run.

Mr. Weasley and his adoring wife rushed outside to meet us in the front yard. The wrapped there arms around the lot of us, bringing us in for a tight hug. We all smooshed together, but no one moved, this was nice.

"Regan, Dear." Mr.Weasley breathed, looking me up and down, placing his hands on my shoulders. "I am terribly sorry about your father."

"Her father?" Harry questioned.

Ah, that's right. In the midst of all the chaos no one besides Draco and I knew that my father had been killed.

"Yeah... he was killed... tonight." I breathed, tears pricking my eyes. I hadn't even had the chance to fully soak in the reality.

"Bloody hell." Ron gasped. "That is awful."

Hermione wrapped her arms around me, tears sliding down her cheeks. I appreciated her warm embrace.

"When did this happen? What happened?" Harry poked Mr. Weasley for answers.

"The Dark Lord sent some loyals to kill her after...." he stuttered.

"After she disarmed him.... saving me." Harry finished for him. Guilt was clear in his crystal blue eyes.

I couldn't let Harry feel guilty. It was not his fault a twisted sick wizard had been trying to murder him since birth. Of course, I didn't want my father to die, but I also wouldn't change what I did. I could never sit idly by and let Harry be murdered.

"Harry." I breathed. "I don't regret what I did, I would never take back saving you." I meant it and I could tell he knew that. I watched as his shoulders slumped, he accepted what was. We couldn't change it now.

"You don't deserve this." He insisted, tears rising in his eyes.

"Neither do you." I pointed out, Harry was to kind, always seeing others as the victims but never realizing he was the one who had suffered more than anyone.

"I- I am so sorry." he stepped towards me, wrapping his arms around my body. I welcomed in, throwing my arms around him, and squeezing. Tears fell faster now; the grief was finally scratching the surface.

Now that the dust was settling, at least for the time being I was facing the harsh reality that I had lost both my Father and Brother to the Dark Lord. And now, my boyfriend was at his beck and call, leaving me to run, without him.

"Come on Kids." Mrs. Weasley urged. "Let's get you inside, I'll fix some tea."



"Where is she!" Bethany yelled. I was just rounding the corner when I heard her shrieks inside the Gryffindor Common room, the portrait door hanging open.

I rushed to the top of the stairs and through the doorway, where I saw a slew of Gryffindors, led by Fred and George pointing their wands in Bethany's direction.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

"She's gone!" she shouted in return. "Took off with Potter according to this lot."

I had to keep my emotions in check, keep this facade that I didn't know she was gone up. I couldn't allow the truth to slip through.

"Then what are you doing terrorizing the rest of them?" I questioned. "His orders were specific."

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now