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   The light pierced my swollen eyes when Draco open the shed door, carrying me out. The sky was light again, the dementors had been fought off. They were gone but the pain in my chest was not.

"I'm going to get you back to him." He promised.

He carried bridal style, my body hanging in his arms all the way back up to the castle. I hadn't said a word the whole time since I saw Cedrics body. I couldn't speak, but I had nothing to say anyways. The state of shock hadn't worn off, I wasn't sure it ever would.

When we got inside, he took me straight to the hospital wing. That's where they were keeping Cedrics body until he could be moved elsewhere.

Draco laid me down on a bed, the nurse rushed over thinking I was hurt or maybe even dead, part of me wished I was.

I listened as Draco explained who I was and what was wrong with me. I wasn't physically injured, just mentally destroyed, scarred, and fucked up. I saw my own brother dead and I don't even know what happened to him. How did this happen?

I was laying on my side, staring forward at the closed curtain around a single bed a few down from me. I knew that had to be where they were keeping him.

  I stood up, walking on my own two feet for the first time since it happened. I pulled the curtain back and there he was, lying face up on the bed. At least now his eyes were closed. When I saw him before they were open, that was the first thing I noticed, he wasn't moving, the light in his eyes was gone but they were still open.

I laid on the bed next to his, just staring, motionless. I didn't want to leave. I decided I wouldn't leave this bed until they took him away. 

  People came and went for hours. Many tried to talk to me, but I didn't listen. I just stared forward. I didn't want to hear what they had to say, it wouldn't help me, it couldn't make this better. There were no charms, curses or words that could take the pain away.


I didn't want to leave her. I sat on the foot of that bed for hours, just watching her. She wasn't moving or speaking. It was killing me to see her this hurt. I wanted to help her, but I didn't know how. All I could do was be here and wait for her, being there when she finally did want to talk, or do anything really.

My dad owled me, asking me to come to the manor immediately, he said it was urgent. The timing of this was concerning, a pit grew in my stomach, my head was conjuring up different possibilities of what could be wrong.

  I forced myself to have a semi-civil conversation with Hermione. The only reason I spoke to her at all was to tell her to look after Regan while I was gone. She promised she would, telling me she didn't need me telling her to take care of her friend, she would do it with or without my orders.

I despised the thought of someone else being there for her right now. I wanted to stay and be the one there when she finally did decide to speak. But I knew if I didn't come to my father, he would come to me. The last thing I needed was him anywhere near her.

"I love you." I whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead.


When I walked in the manor, my parents were waiting on me just inside the door. I could tell they were both worried before they even spoke. My dads eyes were wide and he was pacing the floor at a ridiculous speed.

"Draco, what took you so long?" Lucious hissed, grabbing me by the back of the neck and pulling me into the great room.

"What the hell!" I yelled.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now