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I woke up shivering in the middle of the night. Draco and I had never got back dressed, I was completely naked, and the cold air had consumed the room. I pressed my body closer to Draco's, hoping for some relief but I was still shaking.

I stood up, collected my underwear off the floor and pulled them on. Searching for my shirt, I remembered the sweater he gave me, and picked that up instead, securing it on my body. It was huge on me, reaching below my butt and stopping mid-thigh, the sleeves were long swallowing my hands inside them.

"What are you doing?" Draco groaned, sitting up on his bed. "Is everything alright?"

He looked perfect, even in the middle of the night. His hair was messy, his voice was raspy. Everything about him was simply perfect.

"I'm fine, just cold is all." I smiled, heading back towards the bed to join him.

"It is cold." he realized, slipping himself out of bed, grabbing his boxers and a pair of green and black pajama bottoms.

"The sweater looks great on you." he smirked, pulling the sheets back, climbing into bed beside me. "Come here."

Our bodies intertwined together again, my legs wrapping with his, my head on his chest and his arms snug around me. The sound of his heart beating in his chest was soothing, my eyes grew heavy, my breathing slowed, and I slipped back into my dreams.


I heard the doorknob being jiggled, someone was trying to get in the room. I opened my eyes, it was light inside the room now, the sun was peeking through. Shit, it's morning. The door clicked; someone had unlocked it. My heart was pounding, I felt a pulse in my throat.

"Draco" I whispered, but he didn't move. "Draco!"

"What?" he grumbled; eyes still shut.

"Draco, someone is coming in." I panted. My palms were sweating, my hands began to shake, this was not going to be good. I already knew it.

The door was thrown open, smacking against the wall beside it, creating a loud bang. Flint stepped in the doorway.

"Malfoy, you locked me -" Flint stopped, his eyes met mine and his jaw dropped to the floor.

"Holy shit." he gasped. "Holy. Fucking. Shit."

Tension built inside my stomach, I felt like I was going to be sick. There was no way out of this, I had no escape route. How could I explain laying in Draco's bed with him shirtless and me in my underwear.

"You two are shagging?!" he laughed. "Oh, Malfoy this is great. How long?"

"Were not shagging." Draco boomed, picking himself up off the bed.

"You're in bed together and you're bloody shirtless." he grinned, an evil grin, one that made my stomach feel worse. I couldn't breathe, the walls of my throat were collapsing.

"Flint, enough." Draco hissed, gritting his teeth together.

"This is beyond great." he laughed again. "Cedric and Potter will go completely mad."

Draco stood there, not saying anything back. I was frozen, I wanted him to speak up. He can't tell my brother or Harry. Not now, not with the final task coming up. They needed to stay focused and I also was not prepared to have this conversation with them. I didn't even know what I would say.

"Draco!" I whispered, wanting him to say something.

He shot across the room, slamming the door shut again. I flinched as he grabbed Flint by the collar of his shirt and flung him against the wall.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now