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It was three weeks since the battle ended and the dust settled. I still had nightmares about it almost every night, but I knew it was all over; relieved every time I woke up. The Dark Lord was gone, for good.

Harry had been helping me look for Draco the past few weeks. We went to the manor as soon as I was well enough to get around again after my near death experience. But they weren't there.

We asked around, searched in places we thought they might go but had no luck. I returned to that hill next to the ocean Draco took me what felt like ages ago.

I sat on the hill, alone this time. I was trying to think where they could be, but I was coming up empty. Everyone had said they ran Incase Greyback, Bellatrix and others tried to retaliate against Draco, partially blaming him for the fall of Voldemort.

I wasn't sure if they had heard wherever they are, that Bellatrix was dead and most everyone else that played a large role in helping Voldemort was locked up tightly in Azkaban. I was surprise they ministry wasn't on the hunt for Lucius.

I often wondered if Draco knew I was alive but he had to have. My face plastered across the Daily Prophet for weeks alongside Harry. Some of the headlines even now calling me "the girl who lived". People were so ridiculous. I didn't survive like Harry did, I was saved by the resurrection stone.

Bethanys face was plastered everywhere; she was still on the run. She escaped after attempting to kill me and has yet to be captured. She may have been killed by now for all I know because I wasn't sure how she was managing to avoid all the Aurors looking for her. Not to mention Harry spent most his free time searching for her as well, looking for clues as to where she may have gone. We were all worried if he found her, he might actually kill her.

I stayed on top of the hill until it got to cold for me to stay there. I headed back to the burrow. I had been staying there since the battle of Hogwarts. Truthfully I had no where else to go, everyone I loved was either dead, in the wind or living at the borrow.

It had been quiet in the borrow lately, everyone was still trying to return back to normal after everything. It was especially hard for the Weasley after losing Fred.

"Regan!" Mrs. Weasley smiled as I stepped inside the door. "I was beginning to worry dear."

I smiled at her, I loved the way she treated me as her own.

"No need, I'm okay." I assured her.

"Well sit down, dinner is nearly ready." She insisted.

Arthur was sitting at the head of the table, I took a seat beside him and Harry came and sat next to me. Followed by George, Ginny, Hermione and Ron filling the rest of the table.

"Nothing from the Malfoy boy then?" Arthur whispered.

I locked my eyes to his and shook my head, a frown taking over my face.

"I asked around at work, no one seems to know anything." He huffed. "I'm sorry."

I appreciated him trying to help. I knew him and the Malfoys were far from being friends or even civil for that matter. He still put that aside to help me.

"I guess I wasn't as important to him as I thought." I said under my breath.

"Dont be ridiculous Reg—" Herminoe started.
"You changed his life."

"She's right, you know." Ron nodded. "Malfoy was headed in a bad direction before you, we all knew that."

"Yeah and look what you did, he was fighting with us instead of against us in the end." George agreed.

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