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I could barely force myself out of bed the next morning. I didn't sleep well,  I was extremely groggy. I rubbed the back of my hand against my eyes, praying it helped them feel less heavy. The cold air slapped against my body, hairs rose along my skin when I tossed the covers aside and began to get ready for class. I could see out my window light flurries falling from the sky. I got dressed in my Gryffindor quidditch sweater with my skirt, high socks, and dress booties. I ran a brush through my hair, deciding I would leave it down today. My hair was waved perfectly, almost as if I had curled it.

"You look nice." Hermione grinned.

"Thank you." I smiled.

My stomach was aching with hunger, so I told her I would meet her in the Great Hall for breakfast since she wasn't ready yet. I walked with my arms crossed, gently rubbing my hands over my skin trying to keep myself warm. The cool breeze whipped through the window openings of the hallway, goosebumps rose on the surface of the exposed skin on my legs.

"Do you ever watch where your walking?" Draco snapped. I had almost bumped into him again but he reached his hands out, gripping them tightly on both of my shoulders, stopping me from crashing into him.

"Sorry." I mumbled. We kept meeting like this, as if fate was smacking us together and that made my stomach turn. Why Draco? Why couldn't this happen with someone, I don't know, more pleasant.

"I don't know why people gush about how brilliant you are, you can't even walk properly." he huffed, taking his hand off my shoulders. He walked away leaving his scent wafting behind him, circling around my face. He smelt nice... it was a smell that made me want suck another breath in, a rich scent like cedar wood mixed with citrus. I could tell whatever cologne he was wearing was expensive.

"Earth to Regan." Cedric announced, waving his hand in front of my face. My cheeks flushed red, I was embarrassed to be caught staring like that but mostly I was worried Cedric had seen who I was staring at. I jumped slightly out of surprise, which made him laugh. "You okay?"

"Yeah, all good." I smiled.

  I was lying but I was hoping my brother couldn't tell. I felt weird about Draco, I don't know how else to describe it. Part of me couldn't stand him but there was another part, buried inside that was curious.

"Yeah?" he questioned. I nodded my head and smiled, trying to convince him I was fine. "Well come on then. You need to eat breakfast."

  He grabbed my arm and lead me through the hall to the Gryffindor table. I could feel eyes on us from the Slytherin table but this time, I felt like I could always feel when I was being looked at. Maybe it was a gift, but I refused to look over. I didn't want to risk making contact with Draco again especially not with Cedric walking beside me. He wouldn't even want me glancing in his direction.


I couldn't help but watch her as she was pulled down the hall by Cedric. I waited for her to look my way, silently hoping maybe she would. Oddly enough, when she didn't my heart sunk into my chest.

  What is going on? Why was I worried about this girl? She is a pureblood Gryffindor and I come from a long line of Slytherins. We could not work, especially not with my parents being loyal to the Dark Lord and her father being on the front lines against him. She had to know I would follow in the footsteps of my parents. I'm sure she is repulsed by me, sometimes I felt that way about myself. Regardless, it was my family, I had to do what they said.

"Bloody hell Draco, you undressing her with your eyes or something?" Zabini smirked, I snapped my head over at him. I don't know who Zabini thought he was, trying to mock me; he knew his place.

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