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Hermione helped me get ready for the lantern send off. It is just going to be a small group of us.  But I did want to look nice. I wore a black long sleeve dress that cinched in at the waist and stopped mid thigh. She curled my hair, pinning one side back, tucking it behind my ear and draping all my hair over one shoulder. She was adamant that if I looked good, I would start to feel good too.

I have to admit that I was feeling a little better, being out of my pajamas for the first time in forever. Plus, holding on to the hope that some how, someday I would get revenge on the Dark Lord helped. I just didn't tell her that, not yet.

A knock on the door echoed through the room, I let Hermione get it. I was busy clasping the necklace Cedric gave me for my tenth birthday around my neck. It was simple necklace, on a thin gold chain with an R hanging from it. I clutched it in my hands, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to keep the tears from falling. You can do this.

"Draco is here!" She called.

He walked in the room dressed from head to toe in black. The suit he was wearing looked very expensive. His hair was pushed back, exposing his perfectly chiseled facial features. I hadn't taken the time lately to appreciate how handsome he is.

"You look great." I smiled.

"And You look beautiful." He replied, kissing me on the cheek.

"You don't miss the pajamas?" I teased.

"Those were fine too." He laughed.

"I'll give you two a minute. I'll meet you outside." Hermione interrupted.

I think we were both grateful for the privacy. We didn't have much of it lately and when we did, I was hardly speaking anyways.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm better." I smiled.

   He pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me. I felt safe against his chest, his scent swirling around me, it felt like home.

"I'll be right here beside you the whole time." He whispered.

"I love you." I said, looking up at his grey eyes.

"I love you baby." He smiled.

Silence fell between us. We were locked into each other, both trying to figure out what the other was thinking. Our minds clearly worked in the same way as we moved simultaneously, pressing our lips together.

He gripped the sides of my face, pulling me in harder. I was craving this kiss and I could tell he was too. It had been awhile since we kissed like this, I was mourning and not giving him as much attention as I would have liked.

Our tongues swirl together, exploring each others mouths.

"I think we have a few minutes to spare if you want to-" I started but before I could finishing he was shoving me down on the bed and climbing on top of me.

He took his suit jacket off and tossed it on the floor and lifted my dress up, sliding my underwear off.

Our lips connected again, there was so much passion behind the kisses. He missed me and I had missed him. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and held him close, I never wanted to let him go.

I reached down and tugged at his belt, unhooking it, then unzipping his pants and pulling them down. I pushed his backward gently so that he would stand up. I dropped down to my knees and started taking his length inside my mouth, shoving it as deep as my throat could handle with my lips wrapped around it. I used my hands in unison with my mouth, stroking him. He threw his head back in pleasure, cursing under his breath.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now