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"Found two others in the tent!" A man yelled, walking towards us with Hermione and Ron in hand.

"Well if it's Diggory, Granger and Weasley, what are the odds ugly here isn't Harry Potter?" She smirked. "Let's go to the manor, we will call the dark lord once we're sure."

I felt my anger take over. She is evil and cruel, she was going to offer Harry up to the dark lord like a piece of meat without second thought.

I hated her, she's done so much to all of us in such a short amount of time. The anger boiled inside of me, pushing me to break.

"You bitch-" I lunged at her, grabbing her by the neck.

She let out a yelp and ordered one of her henchmen to pull me back and hold me tighter, suffocating my arms to my side so I couldn't move an inch.

"You are really going to get what you deserve." She smirked, then landed a punch on my face, crushing my eye.

They held us all in a circle and apparated us together, until we were standing outside in the backyard of Malfoy Manor. I knew where we were as soon as I saw the gaudy place.


I was sitting in front of the fireplace in the Great Room. Blaise was sitting with me, reading some stupid book. He was someone who actually enjoyed reading for whatever reason.

My father was in his study with some others and that was the last place I wanted to be.

"Draco!" I heard Bethany call, rounding the corner into the great room. "I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" I snarled.

"Bring them in!" She smirked.

I stood up and faced her, curious what she had.

And then they rounded the corner Greyback and some of his lot were holding Regan, her eye was black, it looked like she had been punched. I felt a fire ignite inside me.

Then I saw Ron, Hermione and — well I could tell it was Potter but something was very wrong with his face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

Blaise walked up and stood beside me. He was ready to help me if needed, I could tell that when I looked at his face. But he also look frightened—I couldn't blame him.

"Winning our little game of hide and seek." She scoffed. "Found her." She gestured towards Regan.

I pulled my wand out, I was about to blow the whole lot of them back. I had to get Regan out of here, they would be killed if they stayed.

"Enough." Lucius hissed, emerging from his study. "What's the meaning of this?"

He was followed by Bellatrix, my mother and Dolohov.

"I think we found Potter." Bethany smiled.

My father stared at him for a long time, trying to figure out if she was right. He raised his eyebrows and turned to her again.

"What is wrong with his face?" Lucius questioned.

"I think this little witch hexed him with a stinging charm so we wouldn't recognize him." She scoffed, pointing at Regan.

My dad walked over, until he was inches away from her face, staring at her with a disgusted expression.

"Pathetic." He scoffed.

"Get away from her!" I ordered.

My father stepped away and walked towards me. His cold gaze told me he was close to losing it on me, silently ordering me to keep my mouth shut.

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