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  The next day was one I had been dreading, the first task was today, dragons. I warned both Cedric and Harry, careful not to reveal how I knew. I didn't want either to know I have been speaking with Draco. 

I was nervous for them; I could barely eat breakfast this morning or lunch this afternoon. I put my Gryffindor coat on along with my red and yellow scarf. It was cold, and  we were going to be outside watching each champion trying to defeat their dragon.

I walked down to the arena with Ron and Hermione, we didn't speak much, none of us knowing what to say. Our minds were occupied with worry for Cedric and Harry. 

We took our seat in the front of the Gryffindor section, and waited for the task to begin. The Slytherin section was directly to our right. Draco's icy white hair caught my attention as he climbed the stairs to take his seat. Before I could stop my face, I gave him a small smile, which he returned, then snapped his head away from me almost as if,  he didn't want to do that, like it was involuntary.

Viktor Krum went first and successfully completed his task, followed by Fleur Delacour; she barely made it through, but luckily she did.

Next was Cedric, my chest tightened as he stepped into the arena. The Gryffindor section erupted in cheers, but I could not move. I was as hard as stone. I watched in sheer terror as the dragon breathed his fiery breath in Cedric's direction. He dipped behind a pile of rubble, disappearing from my view.

I wasn't sure what his next move would be, what plan was. I watched him as  he jolted up from behind the rock shouting a protections charm, surrounding himself with it, creating his own shield.

"He's a bloody genius." I smirked, relief washed over me. I don't know why I doubted him, he was smart, fast and powerful.

He ran through the arena, using the charm as a ball of protection. He grabbed his golden egg, waving it proudly towards the crowd. It felt like the stadium seats were shaking as everyone lost control, screaming and clapping for Cedric. Ron and Hermione both patting me on the back with smiles across their face.

"Brilliant!" Ron shouted.

I let out the deep breath I had been holding in,  joining in on the cheers for my brother. He was the fastest one to capture his egg and that made me proud. 

My joy was short lived when I realized, Harry was next. I knew he was scared and a little out of his league in this competition. Harry is a brilliant wizard, but he isn't as old as the rest of the competitors and these tasks are catered to that age level.

Harry's didn't go as smooth as I had hoped it would, he actually ended up leaving the stadium trying to escape his dragon. It didn't make for a more dramatic and completely wicked ending when he captured his egg.

The first of three tasks were over and I felt good about that.

We all rushed to the center of the arena to hug Cedric and Harry after everything was finished. We stood out there for some time, celebrating and goofing off together.

I was freezing, the sun had started to creep lower hiding behind the clouds, so I  decided to head back towards the castle.

I took a short cut through the field and up to the astronomy tower. When I got inside, I saw Draco leaning against the concrete railing, overlooking the field and arena.

He must have heard my footsteps because he turned around to face me.

"What took you so long?" he snapped.

"I was talking to my brother and Harry." I answered. I wasn't sure why he was up here; had he been waiting for me? I decided to press my luck and ask. "Were you waiting for me?

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