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I had not intended on being able to repair the stupid cabinet in only a few weeks. I didn't want to do this, I wanted to drag out the process as long as I could.
   After tonight, I would be a killer. That is what people would know me as, that is what she would know me as.

I clung on to the hope that she would understand. After all, she knew I had to do as he said, or it would be my life that was ending.

To maintain any sliver of composure, I held on to the idea that all would be forgiven when I could explain myself, when someone finally succeeded in destroying the bane of my existence, Voldemort.

I was pacing the room of requirement anxiously, not caring that Bethany was lying on her ass watching me. I was nervous, scared even. I knew she was too; I could see it in her face. It was ice white, she could play hard all she wanted, she was quivering inside.

We were waiting for the others to make their way into the castle by way of the cabinet we had repaired. I was silently hoping maybe it wouldn't work after.

I was greeted by disappointed when noises emerged from inside the old wooden door.

Bellatrix popped out first, smiling her disgusting smile, flashing her rotting teeth. To much Dark Magic makes you truly ugly, her and the Dark Lord himself were walking proof of that.

"Let's go." She ordered, looking at her daughter and I.

Bethany stood up and followed behind me as we headed for the Astronomy Tower where we knew Dumbledore would be.

I was trying to get myself to stop sweating, my palms could hardly grip around my wand. We stalked up the stairs, the dark shadow of the fellow dark eaters looming behind.

When I reached the top, I saw him. His long white beard turning in my direction and concern took over his wrinkled eyes.

"Mr. Malfoy, is everything alright?" he questioned.

"Shut up!" I snapped. I didn't want to hear him speak; I couldn't bare it if he begged for his life. I was terrified, I didn't want to do this. Dumbledore hadn't done anything to deserve this.

I raised my wand, pointing it at him. Instead of fear taking over his expression like I had expected, he just looked like he pitied me.

"Put down your wand boy." Dumbledore insisted, softly.

"I can't! He - He...." I mumbled, tears threatening my eyes.

"You are no killer; you and I both know that."

He was right, I wasn't a killer. I didn't sign up for this, I was born into it. My parents threw me into this life without any choice of my own.

But I didn't want to die either. I wanted to live. I wanted to believe there was a life for me after all this, there had to be. This could not be what I was destined to do forever, I couldn't accept it.



When we got to Hogwarts we followed the Order as they ran towards the Astronomy tower. All of our wands were firmly grasped, ready for anything. I had no idea what to expect.

As we winded up the stairs we heard shouting that stopped us in our tracks.

"You two! Under there." Mad-Eye ordered, pointing to Harry and I.

I didn't want to listen, I wanted to go with them. But Harry pulled my arm, he was more reasonable than I was. We walked under the old wood flooring of the tower above us, moving as quietly as possible.

We were trying to peak through the cracks of the wood, to see what was happening. A familiar voice chilled me to the bone.

"He has chosen me to! Ordered me to. I don't have a choice; can't you see that?" Draco cried.

"Oh my god." I gasped; Harry used his hand to cover my mouth. He knew we couldn't be heard, if we were then we could be killed. Dumbledore was surrounded by death eaters.

I silently cried, trying to muffle my sobs with my own hands now as we watched what was unfolding above us.

"We can hide you, conceal you Draco. Both of you." Dumbledore urged, looking between Draco and Bethany.

"Do it Draco!" She screamed. "Do it or I will!"

I could feel Harry shaking beside me. There was nothing we could do, if we did anything it may make matters worse. I felt guilty, Draco had been going through this alone. He had been ordered to kill Dumbledore and I wasn't around to be there for him.

His voice gave away his fear and resentment for what he was ordered to do. I could tell this was crushing him, destroying him slowly.

"We can't let this-" I started but we were interrupted by a familiar black figure approaching us. It was Snape.

He looked at Harry and I and moved his index finger over him mouth, urging us to stay silent.

We listened; we had no choice but to listen.

Snape emerged in the room above us. My heart was about to erupt inside me, what was he doing?

"Enough." Snape snapped.

"Severus..." Dumbledore started.

"Avada Kedavra!" He hissed, pointing his wand at our Headmaster, the light leaving his eyes as he toppled off the edge of the astronomy tower.

I broke out into painful, silent sobs. It felt like I was screaming but I didn't make a sound. Bellatrix blood curdling laugh erupted from above us and she began to chant.

"Dumbledore is dead, Dumbledore is dead, Dumbledore is dead!" She laughed.

I could feel the anger radiating off of Harry, I placed my arm on him, attempting to settle him but I knew it wouldn't work.

Arthur emerged from around the corner, signaling for us to follow him.

"We were to late Harry." He whispered. "I'm sorry."

"We can all cry later, we need to get you two the hell out of here." Mad-Eye spat as we began descending the stairs.

Footsteps were banging behind us; we were being followed.

"Pick up the pace Potter!" Mad-Eye yelled.

We were out of the tower now, running down the hill of grass in a sprint for the gates of Hogwarts so we could get the hell out of here.

Balls of light were striking the ground beside us, missing us as we dodged left and right.

"Stupefy!" I called out, pointing my wand behind me at Bellatrix herself. I saw her fly backwards but when I went to continue my escape my eyes caught the only face that could make me stop in my tracks, Draco.

He looked defeated but more than that, he looked horrified that I was here. I hadn't seen him in weeks and all I wanted to do was run to him, kiss him and tell him I understood and that it would be okay. But I couldn't, not now.

Tears rushed down my face as I mouthed to him, "It's okay."

He pinched his eyes shut, trying to keep himself from crying and gave me a knowing nodd before urging me to go. "Run, go!" he mouthed.

Bethany approached beside him, pointing her wand out me shouting a curse I easily deflected back at her.

I continued for the gates, watching as Harry shot curses towards Snape at the top of the hill.

"He trusted you!" he yelled, pain in his voice.

"Harry, we have to go!" I urged when I reached him.

He gave in, grabbing on to Arthur as he spun us away from there, away from one of the most gut wrenching experiences of my life.

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