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  I messed up; I had messed up once again. I can't get the look on her face out of my head. I was to pacing around my dormitory, trying to make sense of what just happened.

  I turned so cold so quick and I couldn't stop myself. It is what I needed to do, what I wanted to do. What the hell is wrong with me?

    I came to the conclusion that she would never forgive me for this and that was a thought I couldn't live with. I ran my hand through my hair aggressively, tugging at the ends, trying to think of what I could do, how I could fix this. I had to go see her, I knew that was the only way. I had to, this couldn't wait. I couldn't let her sleep on this, and I couldn't get through the night feeling this way.

  There was only one snag in my plan, I couldn't get into the Gryffindor tower. I had no way to get to her.

  I plopped down on my bed and let out a deep breath,trying to come up with a plan. I could owl her, but chances of her responding and meeting me were slim to none. I had to talk to her in person, that is the only chance I had at explaining myself.

I pulled myself off my bed and began to pace the floor again, my mind turning trying to come up with a plan. I was coming up empty, I had nothing.

    I rested my arms against the window seal, looking outside and I saw her, sitting on a bench outside underneath the full moon. She was still in her dress; her hair had fallen slightly making it appear messier and she had a blanket wrapped around her. This was fate I decided, this is my chance.

    I hurried out of my dormitory, through the common room and outside as quickly as I could, hoping she would still be there.

When I stepped outside, the cold air hit my face like a pound of bricks. How could she be sitting out here? It's bloody freezing.

There she was, still sitting on that same bench. The moonlight shining off her blonde hair. I made my way to her, unsure of what I was going to say but I knew I had to try.


It was freezing outside but I didn't care. I snuggled myself further into the blanket around me and rested my back against the bench. I was sitting in the courtyard, watching the stars dance around the full moon.
   It was peaceful out here, quiet. I didn't want to sit in my room and try to explain why I was upset to Hermione. She had already left before everything happened, so I would have had to start from the very beginning.

I didn't hear any footsteps coming from behind me but suddenly someone sat next to me on the bench. I looked over and my stomach sunk and twisted in pain, it was Draco.

"What are you-" I started.

"Let me explain." He pleaded "Please."

I could barely look at him. I didn't want to. I had no interest in talking to him after what he did to me. I tried to stand up from the bench but he put his hand on my shoulder and shoved me back down.

"Don't!" I hissed. "You can't keep doing this, treating me like shit."

I saw his face fall in defeat. He actually looked like he felt bad, but I knew better than to trust anything that came from him. He thrived on playing games, hurting people.

"Please, give me five minutes." He begged.

"Fine. Timer starts now." I replied.

   I couldn't believe I was even going to let him speak to me, but I figured he may not stop trying otherwise.

   I turned to face him on the bench, I needed to watch him as he spoke.

"I didn't dance with you to mess with Cedric." He sighed. "I danced with you because I wanted to."

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now