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I felt sick to my stomach all last night about everything that happened with Draco. He truly was awful, cold hearted.  
    I spent time with Ron, Harry and Hermione in the common room last night trying to figure out how to open the stupid egg. We had no luck.

   Harry also asked me to go to the Yule ball with him, I kind of saw it coming but I was happy to go with him, he was a good friend and always very kind. Plus, I clearly wouldn't be going with Draco.

I stared at myself in the mirror, brushing my finger over my lips. Flashbacks of Draco's kiss flickering in my head.

  I don't know how I still missed the taste of him and the feeling he gave me after he treated me like shit, but I did. Still, I know he is bad news and I need to do myself a favor and avoid him.

Walking into the great hall for breakfast I made a point not to glance in the direction of the Slytherin table. I kept my face forward, walking with my chest out and my head high, purposely trying to look confident and completely unbothered.
   In the corner of my eye, I could see Draco, his white hair stuck out like a sore thumb. My gut churned and my heart sunk but I still refused to look. Don't give him the satisfaction.

  I managed to make it through breakfast without a hiccup or any interruptions from anyone in Slytherin. I was grateful for that. It seemed like lately more often then not, I had some shit to deal with from them.

   We didn't have to go to classes today because of the Yule ball. Hermione and I, along with some other Gryffindor girls spent our day doing each other's hair and makeup, getting ready for tonight.

"I cannot believe Cedric asked me." Cho Chang smiled, while we all stood around the girl's restroom . We had been utilizing all 15 of the mirrors trying to look our best.

"He's perfect!" Rachel gushed.

  I could throw up in my mouth. They were talking about my brother after all and it made me feel uncomfortable. It was no secret half the girls in Gryffindor were obsessed with him but I wished they could contain themselves around me, keep their thoughts to themselves.

I shot a glare over at Cho without realizing it. I guess it was just a reflex.

"Sorry." She muttered

"Oh no, it's okay." I said, trying to be nice.

I went to our dormitory to finish getting ready. All that was left was to put on my gown. It was a black form fitting mermaid style dress. It had lace flowers all through the top but at the bottom, just below my knees it flowed out with a sheer black material.

   I clasped a pair of nude heals around my ankle and looked at myself in the mirror one more time. My lips were glossed with red lip stick, my hair was pulled in a loose, low updo with curled pieces falling all around my face.

"You look beautiful." Hermione gushed. "Truly, Regan."

I felt beautiful, it wasn't often that I got dressed up like this. Usually, we were stuck in our school uniforms. I smiled at myself, taking in my appearance again.

"You look amazing as well!" I beamed.

"It's just something I threw together" she laughed. "We should go. Viktor is waiting and I'm sure Harry is too."

  I made my way out of our room, walking on the terrace above the common room. I rounded the corner and began to make my way down the stairs. I saw Harry standing,waiting at the bottom for me in a black suit, with a white bow tie. His smile grew, almost stretching across the length of his face as I got closer to him with each step.

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