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Blaise and I stayed in the kitchen talking for hours. It felt good to catch up with him and not be so alone. Especially after everything I was going through, being stuck in this bloody manor might be the death of me.

We decided to have some tea. I did my best to fix it, although I never had to make much for myself here, that's what house elfs and servants were for.

"Mate, this is digusting." Zabini laughed, taking a sip of the tea.

"What? How?" I hissed.

"It is far to watery." he scoffed. "I'll do it."

I watched as he began to prepare the tea for us.

"Spoiled best doesn't even know how to make tea..." he teased under his breath.

I cracked a smile at him, he was right. I had been spoiled but that's about the only good thing I had. There was no love in this bloody manor.

"Draco!" Narcissa gasped, running into the kitchen. "Oh, thank Merlin you are here."

"What's wrong Mrs. M?" Zabini questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

She was taking a moment to collect herself, sucking in a deep breath. But I didn't have time for this, I needed to know what was wrong.

"Speak!" I ordered.

"The minister of magic was killed and then they attacked the Weasley wedding." She started. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, I heard it got ugly."

"They did what?" I yelled. Panic was setting in. My voice was shaking as I spoke.

Regan was at the wedding, Zabini realized too, he stared at me his face flushed white. He was concerned for her, well mainly for me. He knew what it would do to me if something happened to her.

"Some of the death eaters were sent there— to find Potter." she continued.

"And did they?" I shouted. "Did they find Potter?"

"No, he got away." She breathed. "The girl too."

"What—" I stuttered.

Was my mom referring to who I thought she was? Why would she say that?

"I know you love the girl." she admitted. "Regan... is it?"

"It is." I answered, coldly.

Her name falling off my moms lips didn't irk me as much as it did my father. She wasn't evil like him, but it still made me uneasy.

"Well then, she is okay—for now." she smiled at me. "But they will need to keep running, so if you speak with her—"

"I won't." I interrupted.

"Oh." Her face hung low; a frown took over her expression. "I see— did she...break up with you?"

"Actually, bloody Bethany threatened her life. So, he had to break up with her." Zabini spoke up. "Fucking evil witch that one is."

"Draco... I am so—" Narcissa started.

"Stop. Just leave it alone." I spat.

"This is not the life I wanted for you...please believe that." she pleaded.

"That doesn't help me now! Does is mum?" I yelled. "Apologies and empty wishes don't fix this. So, thank you, for nothing."

I had no more patience. I was spent.

I stormed out of the kitchen, leaving both of them behind. I hated feeling pitied, it made me feel weak. But more than that, I hated what my life had become because of my parents.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now