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   I went to the top of the Astronomy tower to clear my head, it was a quiet spot. It had a good view, I could just look out and relax; try to calm myself down.

I almost forgot this is the spot Draco kissed me for the first time. Memories flooded my vision, I couldn't think straight all I saw was him. Everything has been so complicated since then. This may be the last place I need to be to try and think.

I tried to make myself focus, I needed to figure out a way to fix things with Harry. He was my best friend, I couldn't lose him. I didn't want too. I felt bad I couldn't reciprocate the feelings he had for me.

He was kind, smart, and loyal. It would be easy with Harry, everyone in my life already liked him. But I didn't want easy, I wanted passion. I wanted someone who understood who I was beyond what was at the surface. Someone who pushed my limits. I knew that person was Draco.

No matter how complicated things got, how mad he made me, how hard he pushed me away, we kept colliding back together. It was fate between him and I. He was my opposite but still, it felt like our souls were the same.

I just couldn't understand why he had to make things harder for us than they already were. The way he treated Harry infuriated me. He was controlling, always having to handle things his way, but never giving my way a chance.

"How did I know I would find you here?" He interrupted my thoughts. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Draco.

I kept my arms rested against the concrete railing, looking out. I didn't want to look at him, he didn't deserve my attention right now.

He walked up and stood beside me, resting his forearms against the railing as well. I still didn't look in his direction but I could tell he was staring at me.

"Would you look at me?" He snarled.

"What?" I snapped, turning my head and staring back at him.

"What is the big deal? So I told Potter. Who cares?"

"I care Draco!" I hissed. "You didn't have to do that, you did it to hurt him."

"Why do you care if I hurt him?" he questioned, his expression grew angry. "Do you want him too? Is that it?"

"No! He is my friend. He will always be my friend."

"You can't have us both Regan!"

I didn't want Harry in the same way I wanted Draco. I don't know if he was ever going to be able to understand that. I couldn't shut Harry out for him, I won't end that friendship, but I know that's what he wants.

He was staring at me, he looked angry but broken. It felt like I was hurting him too, but I wasn't meaning to. That's was the farthest from my intentions.

"You know what, I've had enough." He hissed. "Go fix things with Potter if that's what you want."

He started to walk away, I didn't understand how he was mad at me right now. He had no right. But as upset as I was, it hurt more to watch him walk away.

He mattered to me, just like Harry matters. But the feelings I had for them were completely different. I just wanted him to let me in, he was so closed off.

"Why do you keep doing this?" I called out after him. "Why do you always push me away?"

"Because I didn't ask to fall in love with you!" He yelled, stopping in his tracks and snapping his head back in my direction.

"But I did." he breathed, his tone softened and his grey eyes were glossed over with tears.

I didn't know what I expected him to say, or what I needed to hear but that was it. Those words tore down all my defenses, the protection over my heart I was shattered, he had made his way in.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now