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I watched as she left the party with Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor crew. My heart was breaking in my chest, maybe I should have pushed Bethany or stopped her. I was just trying to not seem suspicious, trying to protect her. I suppose that was pointless, Pansy had clearly told Bethany something based off their little game.

I felt the anger building inside me, this time I wouldn't try to shove it down.

"What the fuck are you playing at?" I snapped, grabbing Bethany by the neck and shoving her against a wall.

"Oh Draco, this is kind of hot." She smirked.

"You're fucking disgusting." I spat.

The fact that she seemed amused by this was only fueling the fire inside me.

"The fuck is your problem, huh? Do you enjoy petty games?" I yelled.

"I heard they were destined to end up together, I was just giving fate a little push." She laughed.

Thinking about Potter and Regan being together, ending up with one another was sickening. I couldn't bare the thought. She was the only good thing I have, my light.

"I should kill you right now." I yelled.

"What's the matter? You aren't jealous, are you?" She grinned.

I let her neck go and she slide down the wall, gasping for air. She wasn't fooling anyone, I knew that she knew something. I just didn't know what and order to keep Regan safe, I needed to play along.

"No, I'm not fucking jealous." I lied.

"Good, because that would be just ridiculous." She smiled, clearly feeling very satisfied with herself.

I pulled my wand out and shoved it in her face, her eyes went wide with fear.

"If you ever kiss me again, I won't hesitate... I will kill you." I promised, pulling my wand away from her face and stuffing it back in my pocket.

"Let's go get a drink mate." Zabini huffed, trying to get me to calm down.

I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a drink of the bottle that smelt the strongest. After what happened here tonight, I needed all the help to forget this that I could get.

I needed to go fix things with Regan but I figured she would need a little time to cool off.

Suddenly a shooting pain went up my forearm, the Dark Mark began burning.

"Holy hell, fuck ouch!" I groaned, rubbing my arm.

"Ouch!" Bethany yelled.

"What's going on Malfoy?" Zabini questioned.

Flint and him stared at me as I held my arm, trying to figure out what was going on. Something was wrong.

"He's calling us." Bethany walked up behind me and whispered. "Urgently. We have to go"

Now I knew something is definitely wrong and I need to find Regan before I go.

I ran out of the bungalow, headed toward the castle. I needed to find her.



We were almost back to Gryffindor when Harry hit his knees, crying out in pain. He was clutching his forehead. I couldn't figure out what was going on.

His scar.... it was his scar he was holding.

"Harry!" I yelled, leaning down beside him. "What's going on? Are you alright?"

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now