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Draco didn't come and sleep beside me last night. He said we needed to lay low for a little bit while Bethany scoped everything out, thinking after she got settled she may not be so nosey. Somehow, I highly doubted that.

I pulled myself out of bed and got ready for class. I wanted to look good today, better than Bethany. I knew I would be seeing Draco and I wasn't sure if she would be in any of our classes but if so, I wanted to look my best.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"You look very beautiful!" Hermione replied. "Going anywhere special?"

"Just class." I smiled.

"You know you are much prettier than that new girl without having to try right?" She smirked.

She knew exactly what I was doing. I couldn't help myself, it was the jealous girlfriend coming out in me. She got to be close to him, in the same house as him, I hated it.

There was a knock on our door, so I made my way over to get it.

I swung the door open and Harry was standing outside.

"Morning Harry!" I smiled.

"Morning Reg." He smiled in return. "Mind if I walk with you to breakfast?"

"Not at all! Let me just grab my wand and we will go."

Harry and I walked side by side towards the Great Hall to get some breakfast. I hadn't seen any sign of Draco, but he may already be there. I was silently praying she wouldn't be with him again.

"So I wanted to walk with you for a reason actually." Harry muttered.

"Other then the fact that I'm your best friend?" I teased, giving him a friendly push.

"Yes, other than that." He laughed.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"The nightmares, they are back." He whispered. "I see you know who and then I wake up sweating, wondering if it's real, like am I actually seeing him."

"Do you think you are?"

"It seems like it, so yes. Dumbledore told me we were connected." He continued.

"What's he doing in the dreams?" I asked.

"He's searching for something. It's something he really wants, I just haven't seen what yet. But I think when I do, I want to get to it before him because whatever it is seems important to our connection."

"I'm in." I nodded.

Harry could be on to something, whatever the Dark Lord is looking for may be able to help us kill him. The sooner he was gone, the sooner he could stop torturing Draco and pay for Cedrics death.

"What?" He questioned.

"When you find what it is, I'm in. I'll help you get it."

"Well, alright then." He smiled. "I'll try to dig deeper if I get another chance."

We walked into the Great Hall and I stopped in the entry way, staring at the Slytherin table. My fists clenched by my side, there they were, together again. Sitting at the Slytherin table surrounded by the rest of that lot. She was doing the same thing she was last night, flirting.

"Come on." Harry whispered. "Best to ignore her for now."

He saw what I saw, she was trying everything in her power to get Draco's attention. It was so obnoxious I could see what she was doing from here.

Draco looked over at Harry and I, I shot him a cold glare before I continued to our table. Not letting her effect me and not letting her know we were together was going to be very hard if this is how she was going to be.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now