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When I opened my eyes this morning, she was the first thing I thought about. Which wasn't unusual but today, it hurt to think about her. The dull ache in my chest I wished would leave hadn't, quite frankly, it was worse.

I didn't leave my room for the remainder of the night; I didn't want to talk anymore. Blaise was staying with us for the holiday break and as much as I liked having someone else in this cold Manor, I needed to be alone last night.

There was no way I was going to let anyone see me that way.

I walked downstairs and was instantly greeted by the sounds of chatter coming from the kitchen. When I rounded the corner, I saw Blaise sitting at the counter and my mom standing on the other side sipping her tea.

"Morning Dear." She beamed, but her face tensed as her eyes gazed to the paper on the counter.

"Morning." I groaned, trying to ignore whatever was wrong. I didn't want to deal with anything today.

"Mate, I think you should have a look at the Daily Prophet." Zabini insisted.

"I hardly think it's necessary for me to read that bloody excuse of a newspaper." I spat, reaching into the refrigerator to find myself some breakfast.

"No, I think you want to read it this time." He urged, holding the paper up for me to grab.

My eyes traveled down to it instantly catching on the image on the cover.

It was her.



Under the headline was a photo of Her and Potter running hand and hand out of the ministries front doors, with Weasley and Granger close behind.

The image made me feel sick for more reasons than one. First, what was Potter doing holding her bloody hand? Second, what the hell were they thinking going to the ministry?

"They escaped--barely." Narcissa breathed. "They should be more careful."

"Like you care." I scoffed. "You are working for the man hunting them like prey!"

The relief washed over me knowing she was okay.

"So are you, mate." Zabini pointed out.

"Oh, fuck off, you know I have no choice." I hissed.

"Neither do I Draco!" Narcissa yelled. It took me back; my mum never raised her voice she was always so quiet. I guess that is what years of being stepped on by your husband will do to you.

I ignored her; I didn't want to fight with anyone. Not right now.

I slammed a bowl down on the counter and filled it with cereal and milk.

"I never thought I would say this, but I'm actually rooting for Potter." Zabini laughed. "Hogwarts has been awful since this mess started, and people say he's the only hope for it ending."

"Well, that is what the prophecy says, isn't it?" I groaned.

"I just wonder why they would risk going into the ministry." Narcissa pondered. "They had to be after something."

I wasn't sure either, but she was right. Regan wasn't stupid, she was one of the smartest students at Hogwarts. She wouldn't have shown up there if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

My eyes wandered to the paper again, sitting on the countertop. My stomach churned at the sight of them holding hands. Stupid time to be jealous but I was.... completely jealous of Harry fucking Potter.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now