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Draco and I stayed out on that hilltop as long as we could, but we both knew we had to get back before people noticed we were gone. I ended up skipping my last few classes of the day, I figured I had a good excuse.

We got back to Hogwarts in time for dinner. My stomach was still churning from the effects of the crucio curse mixed with the spinning from the apparition but I knew I need to at least try to eat.

  I walked into the dining hall, my eyes instantly looked to Slytherin table and saw Pansy sitting there in her usual spot. How she was not thrown out of school is beyond me.
  Almost everyone at their table turned to watch me as I walked but I soon realized it wasn't just the Slytherins watching, it was almost everyone in the hall, from all the houses, every table. Most people were looking at me with pity, and that is how I knew word had spread and everyone heard what happened in Snapes class.

"Well, that was awkward." I joked, taking my seat next to Harry. No one laughed with me, not Hermione, not Harry, not Ron, nor George and Fred. They just stared at me. 

"What?" I snapped "What is it?"

"Are you okay?" Harry questioned.

"You heard." I huffed.

"Everyone heard." Fred added "I can't believe she - well used a - I just can't believe your walking."

"Same. The crucio is supposed to be wicked brutal." George started "she should be sitting in Azkaban right now."

"Pansy Parkinson truly is a crazy bitch." Ron insisted.

"Seriously, are you okay?" Harry whispered.

"I'm alright." I shrugged. I was being honest, I was alright. I wasn't good but I wasn't awful either.

"Oh shit." George gasped.

We all turned to see what had caught his attention. Cedric was plowing down the middle of the great hall with his wand firmly grasped in his right hand, holding it so tight his knuckles were white. His face was cold, dark even. Cedric was pissed. I had never seen it this bad.

"Stupefy!" He boomed, lifting his wand and shooting a red ball at Pansy. It knocked her off her seat and threw her against the wall behind her. The blast was so large it took Crabbe and Flint with her. 

Cedric stood there standing beside their table, wand still raised staring at Pansy as she laid on the floor barely raising her head to see if Cedric was coming back for more. We were all scared he was.

Flint stood up and whipped out his wand pointing it back at Cedric.

"Put your bloody wand down or I will kill you." Cedric yelled.

Flint stood still, keeping his wand pointed towards him. Zabini slowly stood up from the table turning towards Flint.

"Put your wand down Flint. I think he's fucking serious." He pleaded.

  I think he might have been serious too. Flint slowly lowered his wand, but Cedric didn't move.

I considered getting up and walking over to him, trying to talk him down but I was terrified. My feet wouldn't move, I didn't know what Cedric was about to do. I could only watch and wait.

Viktor Krum walked up to Cedric placing his hand on his shoulder and began to speak to him.

"Mate, this isn't us. We are champions." He said, "You have too much to lose, come on."

I was shocked by Viktor's kindness towards Cedric. He always seemed cold and selfish. I never thought he was a rude guy, but the kind who only worried about himself.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now