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I could barely sleep last night after seeing Ron. My head was conjuring up all kinds of possibilities. Starting with the worry that Regan had forgotten about me and was now madly in love with Saint Potter.

I knew at least part of that wasn't true, she hadn't forgotten me. Ron assured me she had been crying over me, which made me sad but also happy.

I got myself around and headed downstairs for breakfast. Mum had made the whole spread this morning, I knew it before I saw it.

The smell of eggs, greasy bacon and sweet pancakes flooded my nostrils as I turned the corner into the dining room.

Mom and Blaise were sitting at the long mahogany table, dishing food on to there plates.

"Morning love" she smiled.

"Morning." I muttered.

"Nothing new in the daily prophet this morning." Blaise smiled. "that's good mate. No news is good news."

He had a point.

As long as they weren't reporting on something it meant there was nothing to report on. Which meant they were staying hidden. She was safe.

That was enough to let me have at least a little of my appetite back. I started grabbing the food, piling my plate high.

I hadn't been eating much lately, hasn't been in the mood. I saw a grin take over my moms face as she watched me shove the first bite into my mouth.

We had a tolerable breakfast, nothing they did had pissed me off. Which was very easy to do lately.

But it was interrupted by groans from down stairs in our cellar.

A couple of days ago my father and some others had dropped off Olivander and for some reason Luna Lovegood and were keeping them hostage.

We were forbidden to go down there but it had been days, I knew they were starving or thirsty at least. I felt guilty I couldn't help, but if I let them out I would be killed.

There was one thing I could do, sneak them down food and water.

I filled my pockets with muffins and water before slipping down to the cellar as my mom was in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast.

The cold air of the cellar brushed against my skin as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs. I waved my wand in front of the lock, opening the steel door.

It was dark when I stepped inside, completely depressing. It was then I realized it must be hell being kept down here, worse than I could have imagined

"Who's there?" The fragile voice of Olivander called.

"Draco..." I answered.

"Are you here to kill us?" He quivered.

"No—" I started, using my wand to light the torches around the cellar. "I brought you food and water."

Him and Luna stepped out from behind the wall, revealing themselves. They looked scared but also uncertain about me.

"Why would you do that?" He asked.

"Because you need to eat." I huffed "I don't know why they are keeping you here and if I could get you out I would... but they would kill me so, this is the best I can do."

  I pulled the muffins and water from my pocket.

They didn't immediately move towards me. They studied my face. I could tell they thought perhaps I was tricking them. I didn't blame them, especially considering the dark mark on my arm.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now