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The next morning, I was shuffling around in my room struggling to find my class schedule. Professor McGonagall had handed them out in the common room after the feast last night and I was so tired I hadn't even looked it over. I just tossed it on my nightstand, and it has since disappeared.

"Bloody hell." I muttered.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"I can't find my class schedule." I replied, spinning in circles, looking down at the floor, searching frantically. What could be worse than not knowing where to go on the first day back?

"I have it!" she smiled.

"Hermione! I have been looking for it like a mad woman." I snap, taking it from her hands.

"I wanted to see if we had any classes together." She laughed.

"And do we?" I asked.

"Only one." She frowned. "Care of Magical Creatures."

"Jeez how is that possible? We are both Gryffindor." I huffed.

  Most of the time the classes were mingled with other houses, but they tried to pack plenty of each one in the classes to make things run more smooth. It was no secret to the staff that Gryffindor and Slytherin didn't get along. I suppose we were alright with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. I honestly didn't think much of either of them as bad as that sounds.

"Let's get going then. Ron and Harry will be waiting for us at breakfast." She smiled.

I was walking down the middle of the Great Hall, making my way seat, breathing in the smells of French toast and bacon. My stomach growled, I was hungry and it smelt like heaven in here. My attention wasn't on anything but getting to the food when I heard my name come from the Slytherin table.

"Damn Diggory. Puberty treated you well." Blaise yelled out, followed by a whistle from one of the other idiots. I didn't even look over at first, why even give them the attention they clearly craved I thought.

"Oh come on baby, don't break my heart like that." Flint called.

  I could hear them all snickering beside me, ice ran through my veins. I suddenly felt cold and bitchy. I was not used to this kind of attention from them, I wasn't enjoying it. I know I have... matured. My breasts filled into a size C and my body turned to a soft hourglass. Even still, this kind of cat calling was unacceptable and I wouldn't let them think otherwise.

"Shut up, the whole lot of you." I sneered. "Let's not pretend I couldn't blast you through that brick wall behind you."

  I shot them a cocky smile, I could tell I had pissed off Flint. I didn't care though, I wasn't scared of him, I never would be. Before I snapped my head back forward my eyes caught the gaze of Draco Malfoy. Our eyes locked together,  a flutter grew in the pit of my stomach as I stared at his grey eyes. He was handsome, I don't know if I had completely noticed before but I was now. This stare between the two of us lasted for longer than I had anticipated, but finally, he turned away. It was odd, I had never seen Draco look at me like that before, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

I snapped my head back forward, focusing only on the Gryffindor table, Harry was waving me over. I smiled and a calm washed over me. I felt unusually uneasy after my encounter with Slytherin, specifically Draco but seeing Harry made me feel better.

"I can see they are giving you a hard time this year." Harry said, looking directly at the Slytherin table, an angry expression talking over his face.

"Yeah, I suppose they have." I shrugged.

"Want me to curse them?" he teased.

"Harry Potter." I laughed "That is so beneath us." I tried to do my best snobby voice. We always mocked ourselves that way since that is how everyone in Slytherin saw us. Harry and I burst out into laughter.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now