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I didn't leave bed the next morning. I decided to completely skip breakfast, I wouldn't be able to eat anyways. I could hear everyone downstairs talking and enjoying each other's company.

George knocked on my door once, just to make sure I was okay. I assured him I just needed time and he went back downstairs with the others. It continued like that for the rest of the day, it seemed like every few hours someone else came up to check on me.

The house grew quite for a while, it seemed like everyone was gone or taking naps. I couldn't tell. I tried to close my eyes and try to get a nap in, but it was no use. All I could think about was how in 48 hours, Draco was marrying someone else.

The borrow grew loud again, I could hear everyone talking downstairs. It seemed like they had all returned home together.

"Regan?" Harry whispered, standing in the doorway. 

"I'm alright Harry." I breathed, assuming he was here for the usual check in.

"Good but that's not why I'm here. Can you come down?" he asked.

"Harry-" I started.

"Just for a minute?" he pleaded. I could tell he really wanted me to, and I decided it might make everyone feel better if they saw me at least attempt to leave this room for a little.

"Alright." I huffed, climbing out of bed and walking down the stairs with Harry.

Everyone was sitting around the coffee table in the living room, waiting for me. I felt a little intimidated at first, it seemed like an intervention.

"Don't panic, it's not an intervention." George laughed, seemingly reading my thoughts. I let out a deep sigh and cracked a smile at him.

I stared at each one of them, waiting for someone to speak up.

"We just had an idea-" Hermione started. "Well, really it was Harry."

I was waiting for someone to fill in the blanks, what was this idea they had?

"I just thought-" Harry spoke up. "We should go- to the wedding."

My jaw felt like it hit the floor. I was staring at him, shocked. I didn't want to go watch the love of my life marry someone else. Especially when he left me, without a word after we almost died. He didn't even care.

"Okay we know it sounds crazy but hear us out!" Ginny interrupted.

"We want you to show Malfoy what he's missing." George smirked. "You can't let him off this easy, make it hard for him, show up."

"I'm sure they don't expect you to come, they probably sent the invitation to Harry as some sick joke." Ron shrugged.

"So, shock them. Show up." Hermine nodded.

They had a point, maybe a little chaos would be deserved. I didn't want to sit back and just let it happen without getting in my last words, without giving him a piece of my mind and find out why. Why would he do this to me? What happened?

"I don't know-" I shrugged.

"I'll be with you the whole time." Harry smiled. "If you want."

I did want that, If I was going to go, I needed him to be there. He was my best friend and always there for me. Who knows what was going to happen, so it would be best to have him there.

"Okay." I huffed.

"Really?" Hermione smiled, excited.

"I'll go."

"Brilliant." She smiled, everyone mirroring her. Ron and George even high fived, smirking.

"We all thought, you have to look perfect, like knock the breath out of Malfoy." Ginny smirked. "it's the perfect revenge."

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now