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The following morning waking up beside Draco was much less eventful. No one barged in on us, demanding answers as to why we were together. We took our time getting around but eventually, we had to leave and head back to school. We had missed enough class already.

I wanted to get a chance to talk to Harry before the final task tomorrow as well. I hoped he hadn't spoken to Cedric about anything yet. I needed both to be able to focus for just a couple more days and take care of themselves.

Our feet met the pavement outside the gates of Hogwarts, and I sucked a deep breath in before we started towards the castle.

We had to head straight to Potion's.

  We walked beside each other down the halls, but we weren't holding hands or touching. I felt like neither of us knew how to act here, back inside these four walls.

   No one seemed to notice, besides Flint when we walked into class together. I took my usual spot beside Neville and Draco took his.

   I didn't turn around; I knew Pansy was behind me and if I looked at her, I would be reminded of what she did to me and I might tackle her to the ground. I wanted to maintain my composure today.

"Missed you yesterday." she spoke sweetly to Draco. "Where'd you go?"

Now the urge to punch her grew.

"None of your fucking business." he snapped.

"I've got an idea about where he was." Flint scoffed.

My body tensed up, my throat tightened, and my eyes widened. I sat here, silently hoping Flint didn't say anymore. I gripped on to the end of the table, I felt like I was trying to keep myself on my stool, like I could pass out from the rush of anxiety.

"What?" Pansy questioned. "Where?"

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Draco hissed.

"No, of course not. I would never." Flint said, sarcasm was clear in his voice. "Diggory, why don't you tell us where Draco was yesterday?"

Fuck. I knew this was coming, Flint just couldn't help himself. I rolled my eyes and exhaled a ball of frustration, unclenching my fists and turned towards their table.

All eyes were on me, including Draco's. An angry expression was very apparent on Pansy's face, jealousy even. It was no secret she had a thing for Draco.
  I didn't know what I was going to say but looking at her changed my mind. I wanted her to know. I hated her.

"He was with me." I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing.

  An evil smirk grew on Flint's face, he got exactly what he wanted without having to say it himself. Crabbe and Zabini looked confused, staring at Draco; waiting for him to give them an explanation.

   Pansy however, she looked completely mad, her eyes screamed crazy. I could tell I touched a nerve; I was under her icy cold skin.

"Draco?" Zabini questioned.

"Yes, we were together." he snarled. "Stop staring at me before I lose my temper on the lot of you."

"No." Pansy muttered. "No, there is no way you would be with her." she was shaking her head, clearly in disbelief. I loved watching her unravel.

"Oh, shut up, would you?" Draco snapped. "Surely you didn't think you had a chance."

I felt a touch cynical because of how much that satisfied me. I smirked at Draco and he scoffed at me, but in a good way. He was laughing because he knew exactly how much I enjoyed that.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now