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Harry and I headed towards the boathouse, where he had saw the snake in his head. We didn't talk much on the way there, not sure what there was to say.

We had a job to do, a mission. I had betrayed the dark lord so I needed him dead just as much as they did now. If not, he would surely kill me.

"Better not mess this up Potter. My ass is on the line now too." I huffed.

He rolled his eyes at me, which only made me more annoyed with his presence.

"Would you prefer to be safe then?" He started "and Regan be dead?"

"Don't you dare-" I started. "You know damn well that's not what I would choose, ever."

"Surprisingly, I do know that." He huffed.

When we got to the boat house, I saw figures moving through the window. Quickly I was able to tell it was him... Voldemort.

"Get down Potter!" I ordered, pulling him by the arm.

We rested our back against the wood, keeping ourselves out of sight. We listened as Voldemort had a conversation with Snape about the elder wand.

Snape was trying to convince him that the loyalty of the wand was with the dark lord but he wasn't convinced.

"Nagini— kill." Voldemort ordered.

We heard a loud hiss and a grunt escape snapes lips. The sound of liquid splattering caught my attention, so I turned my head and saw blood dripping down the glass.

"Bloody hell." I whispered. "I think he's killed him."

After we heard the loud crack of the dark lord leaving, both of us stood off the ground and swiftly moved inside. The snake was gone with him so we knew we had no chance at that right now, but we did see Snape, lying in the ground bleeding.

Potter ran up to him, clutching his bleeding neck with his hand. I watched horrified, my gut churning at the sight before me.

A tear trickled it's way down his cheek as he ordered Harry to take it.

"Malfoy! Get me a flask or anything!" He ordered.

I searched the table behind me, knocking over plants trying to find anything we can use to collect the tears. I found a small vile and popped the cork out of the top and handed it to Harry.

Snapes eyes closed and his chest stopped rising. We had just watched him die. All while hell was breaking loose around us.

The barrier McGonagall and the others had placed around the castle had been shattered and we could hear crash and explosions of fighting all around us.

"I have to get to Dumbledores chambers, see what Snape wanted me to know." Potter announced.

"Let's go then." I nodded.

We walked quickly, almost running towards the castle until we got inside. Both of us traced down the hallways quietly as we snuck our way to the headmasters quarters.

Pain shot through my skull, penetrating my head as a voice rung through my ears, making me almost lost my balance.

"You have all fought valiantly, but in vain—I do not wish this, every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter I now speak directly to you—on this night you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the forbidden forest, and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, women and child who attempts to conceal you from me."

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