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Another sleepless night for me, another night full of pain crushing my chest making it hard for me to breathe. I felt betrayed by Draco. He knew his Father was there, he knew what happened to my brother and he didn't tell me. Did he know that they planned to do this all along?

"No please no!" I screamed. "He can't be dead."

"Regan?" Herminoe called, shaking me.

"Please! It hurts." I sobbed.

"Regan! Wake up!" She yelled.

I jolted up, sweating, trying to catch my breath. I was panting uncontrollably. The nightmares were back. I had them the first few nights but they had been getting better. This was my first night without Draco sleeping beside me.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"No, no." I shook my head. "I'm not. I need to see Draco." I climbed out of bed, and slid a pair of shoes on and headed for the door.

"How do you plan to get into Slytherin this late?"

"I know the password." I answered.

I left the room quickly, I didn't bother explaining any further. I needed answers. I needed to speak to him. I wouldn't fall asleep again without it, I knew that.


I walked up to the portrait door that guarded the Slytherin Dungeon. My breathing sped up, and my palms started to sweat. I hoped that this would work, but I wasn't sure, I was thinking with emotion, not reason.

"Password." The Portrait muttered.

"Pureblood." I whispered.

There password was truly awful. Leave it to Slytherin to make it something so horrible. I wasn't one who cared about being a half blood or pure. It didn't matter.

The door clicked open, revealing the Slytherin common room to me. My shoulders slumped, my body relaxed as I stepped inside. It had worked, I was in.

I walked up the stairs and straight to Dracos room. The door was locked of course, so I sucked in a deep breath and knocked, waiting for him to answer.

"Diggory? What the hell?" Flint groaned. I had clearly woken him up, his eyes were barely open and his voice was hoarse.

"Is Draco in here?" I asked

"Uh yeah he-" he started but Draco appeared behind him. He looked like he hadn't slept at all tonight. He hair was messy, his eyes were dark.

"Regan? What are you doing? Are you okay?" He asked. I could tell he was worried, it was unlike me to show up like this. I'm sure he didn't expect me to come to him after what happened earlier.

"Waking me up from my sleep is what she's doing." Flint sneered.

"Shut the fuck up Flint." Draco spat. "Go down to the common room and sleep on the couch, I need to speak to Regan."

"Like hell I will, no way." He scoffed.

Draco grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"I said go." He ordered.

Flint didn't argue back. He shook his way out of Dracos grasp and walked out of the room, making sure to roll his eyes at me as he left.

I stepped inside the room, shutting the door behind me. It was dark, I could barely see Dracos face. He walked to his bed side table and lit a candle. The warm glow dimly lit the room, just enough for us to see each other.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now