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AUTHOR NOTE: Guys, I cried while writing this chapter. I can't even deal!!!!!!



I laid my books on my bedside table and hung my robe up in my closet. Today had been emotionally exhausting, I was ready to crawl in my bed and sleep. A bang on the door kept me from doing so.

I swung the door open and saw Draco, standing there smiling at me. He pushed me inside and slammed the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I laughed as he continued pushing me backwards towards my bed. "How did you even get in here?'

"I told a first year to let me in or I'd kill them." he scoffed, shoving me down onto the bed .

"Draco!" I squealed, slapping him on the arm.

He climbed on top of me and resting his hands against the bed on each side of me. He stared at me for a moment and I did the same.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled.

  I watched him as his gaze fell from my eyes, down to my lips then back up to meet my eyes again. I sucked in my bottom lip, biting it under my teeth. He laced his hands with mine, pressing them against the bed, holding me steady and kissed me. The world around us faded away.

  Nothing was better than these moments with him. His kiss was soft but addictive. I had fallen for him so fast and I still was. I was jumping, flying down a hole with no way to stop myself, diving deeper and deeper into him.


  My lips were connecting with hers, fitting perfectly like they were made just for mine. Her eyes fluttered closed and I was more grateful for her now then I had been before. She was my light, my shining light in the dark that was my life. My life had never been good, it had been full of materialistic things but never love but she gave me that. She loved me.

I would rather walk-through hell over and over again then lose her. She had become everything, the most important thing, the one I would always protect. Everything about her was perfect; from her smile, to her hair and how it fell over her shoulders when she looked at me, her voice in the morning when she first wakes, and her tiny hands fitting against my large, rough ones perfectly.

I knew I could never leave her alone again; it wouldn't be possible for me. She was the only good thing I have. My parents, I hardly heard from anymore. They said they were busy with something they couldn't talk about which was never a good thing. They assured me I would be informed and brought into it soon, but I have never wanted that. I just have no choice.

  I was aware she deserved much better than I will ever be, but I am too selfish to let her go. I am not sure what lies in my future, it's completely controlled by my death eater parents but I knew it would be okay if I held on tight to her. She was my breath of fresh air when I was drowning.

I slid my hands down her body, our lips still pressed together, tongues exploring each other's mouths. I reached down, searching for the end of her shirt, pulling it off her.

Quickly, I sat up and pulled my shirt over my head, leaning back down pressing our lips together again, her soft skin touching mine.

I moved my hands down her neck, sliding her hair out of the way, so I could place kisses gently on the spots I knew gave her the chills. I was learning her body, I knew just where to kiss, touch or suck to make her moan.

When I stopped kissing her, she looked up a me for a moment her eyes begging for more, begging me to continue. My two hands tugged at her bottoms, ripping them off her body. I wasted no time; I took the underwear off with them. I needed her naked underneath me, I wanted to see all of her.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now