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I followed the Dark Lords call and ended up outside the Manor. The fight must have ended by now and he wanted to have a meeting.

I could only imagine how angry he was that Harry had got away with the prophecy. I just had to pray he hadn't seen me help him, there was no way he did. I kept myself hidden.

I walked inside and my mother was waiting for me. My father was not with her.

"Come Draco, there is a meeting in the study." Narcissa explained, walking with me to join the others.

When I walked in the room, everyone was seated around the table. I scanned the room but my father wasn't here, neither was Fenrir Greyback.

I found my seat at the table and sat down. My palms were sweating, I had no idea what was going to come next.

"The students at Hogwarts are being taught to much." He started. "Dumbledore is training them to fight, aiding Potter."

"Of course he is." Bellatrix scoffed.

"It must stop." Voldemort hissed. "I want him dead, I want Harry Potter dead."

It was silent for a moment.

"Draco, Bethany." He called "I have a task for the two of you."

"Yes, My Lord." Bethany answered.

I nodded in his direction, letting him know I was listening.

"I need you to repair the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement, so that some of our own may enter Hogwarts and assist you in getting to Dumbledore so that you can kill him." He announced.

My stomach felt like it dropped out of my body, he wanted me to kill the headmaster? I didn't want to kill Dumbledore. I wasn't a murdered.

"Do you understand?" He snapped.

"Yes." Bethany nodded.

"Yes." I agreed.

I didn't mean that, I didn't want to do this. But what choice did I have? I felt like I was going to be sick but I choked it down. I couldn't do that here, in front of all these people.

What would Regan think of me? Would she understand when I murdered Dumbledore? My hands were shaking underneath the table.

"That's not all." He continued "The girl who....disarmed me tonight, the one helping Potter."

"Her name is Regan Diggory." Bethany announced, way to eagerly.

I wanted to kill her for telling him her name, I might actually when we leave here. Her name coming up in this room was like a nightmare coming true.

"Yes, I have already been informed on who she is." He hissed. "I understand her brother was the spare I killed during the triwizard tournament."

I was trying to keep my face blank, not show any emotion. I couldn't let him know I had anything to do with her, not now.

"I have sent Greyback and Lucius to kill her father, he is apart of that idiotic Order." He snapped. "And when you two get back to Hogwarts, I want you to kill the girl."

"What?" I blurted.

There is no way I heard that correctly.

"I want you to kill the girl." He repeated, speaking slowly.

"Finally." I heard Bethany mutter under her breath, as a smirk grew across her face.

The room began to spin, there was no way I wasn't going to get sick. My heart was thumping uncontrollably. This was not happening, it couldn't be.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now