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The rumbles of footsteps approached the castle. We followed everyone outside, only to be greeted by a large group of death eaters led by Voldemort himself walking towards us.

"Who's that Hagrid is carrying?" Ginny asked.

"Oh my god." I cried, clutching my hand over my mouth to silence my sobs.

It was Harry, his body appearing lifeless as he dangled in Hagrid's arms.

"No!" I screamed, lunging forward but Draco reached his arms around me, holding me steady.

"You idiot girl." Voldemort spat. "And you, even worse of a disgrace Draco Malfoy."

I wrapped my hand in with Draco's as we stood side by side facing off with the Dark Lord.

"Harry Potter is dead!" He yelled, and his followers broke out into laughter.
The sight of the them was enough to make me want to attack them all and the fact they were celebrating Harry's death was worse.

"You put your faith in the wrong wizard so now you must put it in me."

"Like hell we will!" Ron snapped.

I could see the disgusted look on Voldemort's face grow. But still, He looked weak, grey and frail. I watched closely as the snake slithered by his side, trying to think of a way to kill it.

"I being a merciful Lord am in the mood for forgiveness!" He smirked. "Pledge yourself to me now and live. Refuse and you die."

No one moved, not a single step.

He turned his attention back in our direction.

"Young Malfoy— I have struck a deal with your parents to forgive you but you must repledge yourself to me." He announced, staring at both of us. "You're father told me young and stupid love made you weak, blinded you."

I tightened my hold on Draco's hand. He looked down at me and nodded. I knew he wasn't going anywhere.

"Draco—" Lucius shouted, waving him over but he still stayed, standing firm beside me.

"Draco— come." Narcissa begged.

I could tell she was just afraid for her son, but it would be worse for him if he went over with them.

"No." He shook his head.

His father looked murderous, like he wanted to kill me as his gaze switched from his son to me. I could tell he blamed me, but I didn't mind.

"Fools!" Voldemort shouted. "All of you!"

He took steps closer in our direction with the snake still following beside him. I looked over to my left, something glistening caught my eye.

There it was, the sword of Gryffindor caught in the rubble of the fallen pieces of Hogwarts. It was presenting itself to me, this was fate.

I slowly pulled my wand out of my pocket and began using it behind my back to try and charm the sword to move at my command. To my surprise, it reacted wedging out of the stone. I knew I had to act quick, before anyone saw.

"Kill the snake— and then it's just him."

Harry's words repeated in my head. I had to do this. For Harry.

With a swift flick, bring my wand in front I plunged the sword towards the snake leaving no time for Voldemort to react. The sword obeyed and sliced off the snakes head without hesitation.

Draco looked down at me, staring at my wand then back at my face. His expression went from shock to complete fear within seconds as Voldemort let out one of the loudest yells I had ever heard.

Hopelessly Devoted - (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now