Chapter 24

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I slowly open my eyes and wake up in a white with blue room.

"A-Am I at the hospital?.."

No response.

I looked at my surroundings and yeah I was at the hospital of how the room was decorated and my clothes and at my left side I saw (Y/n) clinging into my left leg while sleeping peacefully..

"I'm glad you really care for me."I said and pats her head.

I continue to wonder my gaze as it was landed into a familiar figure sleeping in the coach while crossing its arms.



"JUNGKOOK! YOU'RE AWAKE!"(Y/n) exclaimed and that's enough for Namjoon to wake up and walk closer to me then smack the back of my head which I winced in pain.

"Ugh!..That's so painful hyung!"I said and he groan.

"That's for making us all worrried to you!"Namjoon said and I sighted.

"I didn't mean to.."I said.

"Jungkook..Can you tell us what happened to you?"(Y/n) asked.

"Andriel and I get into an argument and decided to split up when I was zoning out I didn't notice that I was already in an alley and I got bumped into someone and I didn't pay attention to them instead I keep going and then suddenly I got beat up..Maybe it was those guys who I bumped into..It was my fault anyway and I didn't mean to make you all worried."I said.

"Ugh!..Can't believe you zoning out because of an argument with that guy."Namjoon said.

"But what kind of argument did you have with Andriel?"(Y/n) asked and I shake my head.

"It's kind of difficult to say.."I said and she just sighted.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it..I'll buy some food for us,okay?"She said and I nod then leaves the room.

"Come on speak up..I know it's not that difficult now that she's not here."Namjoon said and I sighted in defeat.

"I don't want to make her feel guilty since it was Andriel and I's problem.."I said.

"You both having a fight for her love?"Namjoon asked and I nod.

"Andriel start talking of how I was irresponsible to her and I should treat her good."I said.

"Well..You're both are just acting like that but I know that you don't have to take responsible to (Y/n)..I know that you're having a fake relationship."He said.

"You're really observant to my actions.."I chuckled.

"I'm more responsible among us..And of course I have to take care of the others especially you..The youngest..All of were families after all even we're not blood related but by heart."He said.

"You really know how to speak good."I said and he just nods.


'All right..I already bought some foods and drinks for our breakfast..I just need to make my way back to the hospital..'

"(Y/n)!!"I turned around and it was.

"Andriel?"I said and he walks closer.

"Are you going to the hospital?"He asked and I nod.

"Can we have some chats?"He asked and I shake my head.

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